Why Content Stands Strongly in Digital Marketing Strategy

Why Content Stands Strongly in Digital Marketing Strategy

India is emerging as one of the prominent players in the global landscapes. In this fast-evolving space, every business tends to find out the ways to make business better. Once Bill Gates, the owner of giant corporate said ‘content is the king’ and further give a statement that content is the real money maker these days.

As 35% of the Indian population has access to the internet and this percentage is likely to increase by 20125 and reach 55%. If you are an online marketer and you must polish your digital presence to reap the maximum benefits. If you see any brand flourishing, there a great wealth of valuable relevant content that really connects with the company’s profile. If you still wondering why content marketing is important in today’s time. Find the answer below:

  1. It improves your brand reputation

One of the greatest benefits is building your brand among your target audience. Quality content generally attracts a huge number of audience as content connects and create trust. In today’s busy digital marketplace, it is extremely crucial to build trust with their leads and make a positive brand reputation.

  1. Great content helps affect conversion

If you are really wondering why your website is not getting the result you have expected after putting all the hard efforts. It is because of your poor conversion which means customers are coming to your website but return without making a purchase. Content marketing strengthens the website conversion by offering conversion rate about 6 times higher than digital marketing methods.

  1. Content helps in improving SEO efforts

The importance of content marketing becomes visible when giving a glance at the role that content plays in assisting your business build and improve SEO. Many marketers take help from one of the best SEO Services in Delhi to plaster their online presence and some hire SEO professionals to do their SEO part. However, content is the core element of SEO tactics which cannot thrive without having quality content.

  1. Creating quality content is a cost-effective way to bring new leads

With giving a great push to lead generations, content is one such tactic which can be accomplished at the affordable price. It is important to note that content marketing is time-intensive and can take a while to see the results. But the fact which cannot be denied that content marketing cost you 62% less than traditional marketing tactics. Find more information about the dev bootcamp schedule.

  1. Great content build a trustable relationship with customers

It is a well-known fact that loyal customers are nothing but an added advantage to your business. If sales of your company play a vital role in your revenue, then content plays a major role in making a bond with the customers. Providing relevant and quality content helps in making lead to customers.

In Conclusion

So, these are some benefits of content marketing you need to look up to if want to create a prominent image in the online space sd airport transport. Digital space is too vast to describe but to remain updated, you need to walk with all the latest trend and tactics. If you are facing problem to incorporate with digital strategies, must hire the best Digital Marketing Agency in Delhi.

The top 10 digital marketing trend to watch out for in 2018

The top 10 digital marketing trend to watch out for in 2018

Is your digital marketing techniques are too old to use? And you are not getting the desired outcomes? If yes, then this blog will help you out!

As technology is taking the lead over the years, everything is getting digital – banking, real estate, entertainment, health, and many more. So the companies are jumping into the digital market to advertise their services. And to survive with the latest challenges of the digital marketing one must be updated with the ongoing trends and tricks to bring the traffic on the website. You can also search for the professional help to know the current tricks. For doing this, go for the SEO Services in Delhi.

Now, follow the latest Digital Marketing Trends in India 2018 to shape your upcoming plans, take a look at them:

  1. Learn the new trend-‘Micro-moments’

    Learn the new trend-‘Micro-moments’Image Credit – www.webpronews.com

    This is the new and the crucial trend of 2018, so companies should wake up and provide reliable information to Smartphone users. As people are getting more digitalized with each passing day, they buy only after researching about the information provided by the services.

  2. Content Marketing trend

    Content Marketing trendImage Credit – www.thecreativestable.com

    According to the latest trend, it is not about creating quality content only but also focuses on personalized and customized content so that it will target individually. It will generate more traffic as compared to generic content.

  3. The effective Native Ads

    The effective Native AdsImage Credit – www.media-marketing.com

    It is known to be the best tool for the marketer to promote any content. It includes paid content, suggested posts, in-feed units etc. Getting the natural backlinks from a content is difficult for the marketers so they often take help of paid media. Its CTR value is higher than any form of ad. It not only increases the reach of the content but improves the brand recall value.

  4. Latest trend of Micro-influencer marketing

    Latest trend of Micro-influencer marketingImage Credit – www.digitalndigital.com

    Nowadays, brands want more leads in a less time, thus Micro influencer marketing is emerging as the best tool in the digital space. Micro influencers are the expertise with the number of followers which help you to generate high-quality leads, new audience, and improve search rankings.

  5. App store optimization

    App store optimizationImage Credit – appinventiv.com

    Downloading the app is continuing to rock in 2018, so one can’t ignore about the app store optimization. The increasing demand for apps and number of traffic from mobile has given rise to the trend of the app store optimization. If you want to make your app credible then you must learn some effective ways to improve your app store optimization.

  6. Big Data marketing model

    Big Data marketing modelImage Credit – www.juanmerodio.com

    The most vital marketing model of 2017 and continue to rock the trend in 2018 as well, Big data is adopted by many businesses. It improves the sales data by adding the personalized touch to the website. With the support of email marketing and predictive analytics, it enhances the customer’s experiences. Better learn Top Digital Marketing Trends 2018 for insight.

  7. Current trend of In-store marketing

    Current trend of In-store marketingImage Credit – www.aokmarketing.com

    The evolving trend of in-store marketing has adopted by many companies. It is an offline marketing which becomes the unavoidable part of the online marketing.

  8. Video marketing- ‘the latest need’

    Video marketing- ‘the latest need’Image Credit – mashable.com

    Nowadays customers want every information in detail and always look up for the videos. Thus video marketing becomes the crucial part of digital marketing. Videos are the best way to tell the customer about your services, that is why vblogs, vlogging, or video marketing is gaining popularity day by day.

  9. Social media marketing & live-video streaming

    Social media marketing & live-video streamingImage Credit – www.digitalvidya.com

    Over the years, social media is becoming the game changer in the digital space. As a brand, you need to be aware of all the happenings in the social media world. The latest trends in social media such as expiring content and 10 seconds videos which disappear after one view are emerging effectively. Talking about the live video, the brands have welcomed this feature brilliantly. It helps you to connect with the audience in real-time. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter all the four platforms are indulged into live-video streaming.

  10. Make your website mobile friendly

    Make your website mobile friendlyImage Credit – www.programage.com

    We all aware about the demand for smartphones, so making the website mobile friendly is a must to do task. Marketers need to expand their offering to suit the audience’s need. The website should be optimized for all the screens for the better user experiences. 

In conclusion:

For effective digital marketing, regular assassination and evaluation of strategies should be taken place frequently. Taking a note from the latest tricks of digital marketing, you will reach the success in a less time. If you are looking for the immediate result, go for the Best SEO Services in Delhi and improve your website ranking.

5 ways by which you can tell the value of SEO to your boss

5 ways by which you can tell the value of SEO to your boss

Improving organic search rates through SEO is not an easy task. It is even harder when your boss does not understand the meaning of SEO and why it is important. Your boss always sees the bigger picture and hence misses the little elements which are important to form that big picture. If you have ever worked with SEO even once, you must have encountered some of the terminologies such as 404s, redirects, backlinks, spiders, canonicals, and indexing. These unusual terminologies are confusing enough to make your boss question the caliber of Search Engine Optimization in the end. So, it is high time to tell your boss about the SEO Value and all about SEO tasks.

Here are the 5 ways through which you can communicate to your boss and tell them the reasons behind your tactics or choices:

  1. Clear their concept about SEO

    concept about SEO

    Image Credit – 5mins.org

    The first and foremost thing your boss should really know is: what is Search Engine Optimization. It is basically doing anything and everything to reach your target audience by appearing in top Google searches. And in order to do so, there are many plans and strategies involved. While educating about SEO, start from the basic and then define all the jargon terms.

  2. Brief about a certain strategy or action


    Image Credit – www.awesomejourney.ca

    The key element of any business strategy is implementing the correct SEO tactics. Instead of making your bosses understand about your actions, teach them about Google Analytics SEO Dashboard which gives a wider picture of SEO and also informs them how Google operates. To show up in top search results, brief your boss about SEO strategies that will grow your business and leads.

  3. Land up with the correct explanation for your target audience

    explanation for your target audience

    Image Credit – medium.com

    In order to inform about your actions to your boss, you must target all of those people who always come to you with a puzzled expression. Be it the personnel, marketing team, executive personnel; brief all of them about your SEO plan. Discuss with them how Business Value of SEO holds a prominent place in any company to boost rankings.

  4. Prepare your documents

    Prepare your documents

    Image Credit – www.careerchina.com

    If one does not have any idea about SEO, you will get a blank reaction in return for sure. In that case, you need your documents and accurate data to support your strategy. Stick with metrics which will work in your favor for sure!

  5. Present yourself with credible SEO strategies

    credible SEO strategies

    Image Credit – www.entrepreneur.com

    In order to make your SEO task authentic, you need to come up with your own credible strategies. It can be done by doing some basic things like writing articles on behalf of your company. For SEO, you must keep all the reports and data with yourself. To accomplish this, you can do the following:

    • Record the conversions from search traffic and then, link those numbers to the revenues.
    • Keep a track of your competitors and see what strategies they are adopting.


There are plenty of jargons when the topic of SEO comes in front of us. Though SEO has been gaining a lot of attention quite recently, not many people know about its uses and benefits. The best way to deal with your CEO is to give an outstanding performance by incorporating the best SEO strategies into your website. However everybody is not aware of the nature of search engines, so always keep a back up of your data to avoid any misunderstanding. And if one really wants to grow his/her business, SEO Services in Delhi is the best solution for them as SEO is the most important factor in page rankings. You can also look for the best SEO Company in Delhi NCR for more insight.

How seo grows your business and leads?

How seo grows your business and leads?

You must have been thinking by seeing this topic that why one would need SEO for their business. In this blog, we will be taking you through some of the SEO generation techniques which help to grow your business. And also discuss Lead Generation.

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SEO tactics

SEO TacticsImage Credit – www.devdigs.com

SEO, if used correctly, ensures the visibility of your website and its content on the search engine results page.

It involves an array of the term used to describe anything that achieves these results, from link-building and social media marketing, to having your website itself stuffed with keywords that will alert the search engines. The key to generating more leads for your business is to optimize your site for the search engines. However, many business owners are still struggling to determine the correct SEO tactics and lead generations for their business. Everyone has the same question ‘How to Grow a Company Successfully?’ especially one with small business is seeking effective SEO tactics which could work. Let’s start learning.

Why Ranking is important?

Why Ranking is important?Image Credit – www.timeshighereducation.com

 In the era of internet and digitalization, people expected more quick and immediate results, the first page of the searched result is likely to be read more rather than the following pages. After all, no one is going to click through multiple websites by wasting their precious time?

It is only through execution a good online marketing with SEO optimization of any website. Good SEO strategies not only bring the traffic on the website but also will also rank the website at the top. It also generates lead that who are interested in your brands or products. If you want to grow your business and are seeking help related to SEO, you can check for SEO Company in Delhi.

Here are the lists of SEO tactics which will generate more leads from search engines:

  1. Finding the right keywords

    Finding the right keywordsImage Credit – www.seointl.net

    Stuffing the keywords is the most vital element in the SEO. But using plenty of keywords with lower search volume is always better than having one keyword with a higher one. You should know the most important fact that you are competing with a huge number of other brands too, so risks are not allowed anyway!

  2. Write good Meta descriptions

    Meta descriptionsImage Credit – seopressor.com

    Write short and concise Meta description and insert some of the targeted keywords in it. Always think about the user’s request or what would they likely to ask, so your Meta description should be the answer to their question.

  3. Spying on your competitors

    Spying on your competitorsImage Credit – www.rivercitystaffing.com

    Backlinks are one of best ways to increase your leads by stealing it from your competitors. By finding out who is linking to the site of the competitor, you’ve immediately created a database for yourself. Although, you get this information through backlink checker tools.

  4. Use long tail keywords

    long tail keywordsImage Credit – www.semrush.com

    Long tail keywords are referring to the keyword phrases which are specific to your brand or product. They’re usually 3 or 4 words long. If you are master in creating Peppering these long tail keywords for your website, then search engines will automatically suggest your website. To give you another example, when we did SEO for Fully-Verified, which is a company doing online ID check, we targeted phrases such as ‘online ID verification for online business’ or best way to verify identity online’

  5. Make your website responsive

    website responsiveImage Credit – medium.com

    Nowadays, people are browsing the internet mostly on their Smartphone than on desktop and most of the website is not mobile responsive. They tend to differ in screen sizes which make it hard to navigate the site. By making your website mobile responsive not only satisfy the users but also affect your search rankings. Also, when lots of people are searching for you move and spying on your website, then you must make sure that your page is sleek and perfect in both design and usability for all devices.

  6. Get active on the Google Business listings

    Google Business listingsImage Credit – www.advicelocal.com

    With GMB, that is Google My Business, local business are listed or registered with their Google maps with direction, address, telephone, product or services. Inserting the keywords on the summary of the Business is also a way to increase the GMB.

  7. Optimize your image

    optimize imagesImage Credit – kinsta.com

    Search engines can only read text and numbers and to make the image of your website to viewed, ALT tag is used. Having keywords stuffing ALT is the best way to make your website more credible.

  8. Increase the speed of your website

    speed_up_your_websiteImage Credit – www.ipragmatech.com

    Web users are expected to see the result immediately. Site speed is also one of the major factors to improve the integrity of your website. To increase the speed of your website, you can increase the size of the videos and images, remove unnecessary plugging, etc. and if you need any professional help, go for the best SEO Services in Delhi; they will help you to improve the search engines result of your company.

Ending note

No matter, you are a starter or veteran, sometimes these useful tactics is exactly what your company need!

Pumping your SEO, executing the correct content strategies, or social media marketing can help Generating Leads for your business. SEO can help to attract leads to your website and thus sales team precedes these leads through the sales funnel to convert them into paying customers.

Remarketing and Retargeting: How are they different?

Remarketing and Retargeting: How are they different?

Want to make your website ranking on the top? Then you must know these terms; remarketing and retargeting. Most of us do not have an idea about these terminologies. Some of them may heard about the terms but not aware of it. Let’s start learning about these terms.


RETARGETINGImage Credit – vwo.com

Retargeting is involves all the online search and display ads and target users based on cookies. It mainly refers as ad stalking. Advertiser’s cookie is relying on the visit or any action and then adds advertisement when one browse internet via placements or search via paid search ads. You can also Search Retargeting Definition for more detailed information.

The website visitor is therefore not unknown to the owner of the website. The marketing automation system has recognized the IP and uses further information in the record to deliver specific marketing messaging to the visitor. It also include targeted images, calls to action, links and offers unique to that visitor’s needs that should help the visitor to make a buying decision. If you are looking for the best service of marketing, you can go for the Digital Marketing Agency in Delhi.

Understanding Retargeting Better

UnderstandingImage Credit – www.drzimmerman.com

Before start any discussion over retargeting vs. remarketing. We must learn about retargeting.

  • Site Retargeting: In this, you retarget those who have visited your site and show them an advertisement on another website. 
  • SEO Retargeting: This type of retargeting is based on how consumers come on your website. This includes clicking on the link to your site provides the basis of your retargeting action. 
  • Email retargeting: These types of retargeting refer to focusing on people who have searched for specific keywords on Google, Yahoo or Bing.

Remarketing: now, let’s start with Remarketing Definition: actually, it is a clever way to connect with visitors to your website who may not have made any presence. It allows you to positioning the targeted ads for the potential audience that had previously visited your website, that is, they search elsewhere around the internet.

Now, the question is How Google Remarketing work? It is actually simple. It works by insertion of cookies on your website. Then visitor’s device(s) when they meet your criteria. Their cookie ID is added further in your remarketing audience list. If you are seeking for the professional help, you can go for Digital Marketing Services in Delhi as digital marketing tips is effective for business purposes.

Evade The Confusion

ConfusionImage Credit – www.forskills.co.uk

It is not important that you should perfect in the technical terms. The only thing you can do is to stay away from the wrong information. You need to gather the correct information from the trusted source. People are often confused with these terminologies because they have grown up with the wrong concept.


Retargeting is an effective and helpful digital marketing strategy for every type of business, selling any kind of product or service find central air conditioning installation in san diego, be it a small or medium businesses and large corporate purpose, which is all about turning prospective customers into paying customers.

And, Remarketing not only engage the consumers with your brand but can also inclined into your transition to the next step of the conversion funnel. If a user has left a product page, the remarketing ad can be presented to them, which results the user back to the product page and then move to the next stage of the funnel, that is, adding the item to cart.

How to upgrade your content in 2018: 5 advanced methods

How to upgrade your content in 2018: 5 advanced methods

Content promotion has become one of the most important strategies in today’s world, wherein competitors are huge in numbers, but conversion rates are less. When you write and promote a piece of content, how do you know whether it’s really of any use to the audiences reading it? Creating content just for the sake of creating it will do no good to your website. Content promotion with the help of the latest SEO techniques 2018 has come a long way.

Having trouble upgrading your content? Incorporate these five methods to advance your content in 2018:

  1. Take help of an influencer

    influencerImage Credit – influencermarketinghub.com

    If you are an active content marketer, you must have heard the term influencer outreach. Influencers have taken over the market and play a pivotal role in shaping opinions, through their knowledge and expertise. So involving an influencer will not only help you publish your content, but will help you promote it, making it reach a larger audience.

    Before publishing your content, contact influencers and ask them whether the topic chosen by you is in line with the current trends. Ask them whether they would be interested in reviewing and promoting your content. After your content is published, make a mention of the influencer you took assistance from and acknowledge them. Ask them to share and promote your content and widen its reach to all platforms. For more insight on producing quality content, hire the best agency that provides content writing services in Delhi.

  2. Make contributions 

    contributionsImage Credit – turnonlights.org

    There is no use keeping your content to yourself, when you have the fantastic opportunity to contribute it to content sharing communities. Not only your content will become accessible to a wide range of audiences, but will also help you generate leads and gain conversions. Select a platform that has the most active set of participants. Here are some of the most active communities where you can distribute your content:

    • YouTube
    • LinkedIn
    • Twitter
    • Buzzfeed
    • Reddit
    • Quora

    Some of these are paid while some are freely accessible. So choose a platform that is most likely to give you positive results, without making it obvious to people that you’re promoting it.

  3. Create snippets 

    snippetsImage Credit – snippetsgame.com

    When you promote your content, snippets play a powerful role. They help improve your content promotion strategies and gain more website traffic over a period of time. Creating multiple variants of your snippets for your content will help you gain better engagement and help you analyze results effectively. You can do the following:

    • Incorporate statistic while messaging to add effects.
    • Do not forget to add a CTA (Call To Action)
    • Create different versions of your title, no matter how long or complex they are.
    • Add questions that go along with your subject.
  4. Update existing posts

    Update-Your-Existing-BlogsImage Credit – ethicalblogging.com

    If you think that your previous content that has settled under dust, it’s time that you brush off the dust and freshen it up by incorporating the latest information, so that it is still relatable and meaningful to the audiences. Keep your content in line with the latest developments so that it doesn’t look outdated and make it flexible to changes, if any.

  5. Grab opportunities

    opportunitiesImage Credit – creativeaccess.org.uk

    In order to make content marketing an effective exercise, it is important that you create content that is of high quality and caters to the needs of the audiences at large. Not only that, you can get hold of opportunities like:

    • Invitation for podcast appearances
    • interaction opportunities with influencers on webinars
    • book publishing
    • speaking at conferences


Content promotion is not as easy as it sounds; it is an exercise that requires a lot of focus and expertise. Now that you are familiar with these advanced methods and the latest SEO techniques 2018, you know how to make your content visible, popular and effective. For quality content, contact the best content writing agency in India.

5 seo tactics that are ruining your business

5 seo tactics that are ruining your business

Have you been struggling to generate traffic on your website through your SEO?

Making a website function effectively is one of the most difficult tasks and you do anything and everything you can to generate traffic on your website. But, there are some elements that cause disruption. Those bugs are nothing but mistakes from your end that are deteriorating your SEO content leading to low search traffic. Oh no.

Search engine optimization is something that you cannot take for granted! It can be happiness on your plate when you know the right way to tackle things. Otherwise, you are in a pool of trouble. Don’t panic. We’re here to help.

Here are 5 bad SEO tactics you should stop using, N.O.W!

  1. Stuffing keywords

    Stuffing keywordsImage Credit – varvy.com

    If you’ve been following this practice of putting keywords unnecessarily in between lines, it is natural that you won’t get any traffic. Usually this practice will put your blog into spam. Stuffing keywords in irrelevant places means that you are trying to promote your website, wanting it to appear in the top searches. But, think about it. Is this how great websites generate traffic? Never!

    Here’s what you should do:

    • When you look for a topic in Google, go to the bottom of the page and you will see a set of links in blue right at the bottom. Use those as keywords.
    • Put keywords with variations in them, keeping in mind the relevancy of your topic.
    • Make it look sophisticated, instead of desperate.
  2. Adding too many back links 

    back linksImage Credit – backlinkchecker.ch

    There was a time, millions of year ago when back links used to bring traffic to your site. Not anymore.

    You think you’re smart? Google is smarter. Putting back links as an anchor to your content is a healthy practice provided that that the link which you have put is that of a good website and holds relevance.

    Here’s what you should do:

  3. Adding duplicate content 

    duplicate-contentImage Credit – www.textmaster.com

    In today’s world where plagiarism is detected within seconds, posting duplicate content is an act of sheer stupidity. That simply means you need traffic, by hook or by crook. If you think you can do that, you will soon realize that your content is being thrown into trash.

    Posting duplicate content shows that you are not serious about your website. You are posting content just for the sake of posting it. Well, it’s time you wake up and get rid of these bad SEO habits.

    • Hire professionals that offer services related to content writing in Delhi.
    • Write fresh content that is different from all other websites; do a lot of research.
  4. Irregular posting 

    postingImage Credit – coobis.com

    SEO is something that runs with time. If you are not posting regularly or not updating your website timely, Google will push your website to the fourth or fifth page, which is equal to TRASH. Having a lethargic website is equal to having no website at all.

    Here’s what you should do:

    • Post blogs regularly. Fish out topics that are fresh and write blogs that perfectly go with the search results.
    • Keep updating your website regularly.
  5. Choosing quantity over quality 

    quantity over qualityImage Credit – austrimag.com.au

    This is one of the most common SEO tactics resulting in lower traffic and less conversions. Do you know why? Topicality and relevance are two terms that need to be paid attention upon.

    Posting one good SEO article every two days is far better than posting two irrelevant articles each day. This is where you need to realize that quality is what you should give preference to.

    Here’s what you should do:

    • Write content that is SEO friendly. Incorporate relevant keywords, interlinks and outbound links to enhance your content.
    • Make your content have meaning. Remember, you are writing for humans, not robots!
    • Exhibit a high degree of E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness) through your content.


In a world where content is king, you need to make sure that you follow the right set of guidelines to attract more traffic on your website. Always remember that SEO cannot work with content. Integrate your SEO into your content marketing strategy for best results. So follow these SEO tips and bid farewell to these bad SEO habits.

5 ways for effective optimization of news websites

5 ways for effective optimization of news websites

Great content, optimized keywords and user oriented searches are certain prerequisites that all websites adhere to. But news websites are a little bit different from the usual ones and need to take some other elements into consideration in order to generate more SEO traffic and build organic reach.

News websites, in contrast to other websites operate differently and need more attention to specific details for better SEO rankings. So here are certain SEO strategies that you need to follow in order to enhance your news website:

  1. Content is king

  2. Content is kingImage Credit – flynaut.com

    When you have news website to run wherein content is supreme, you need to really level up your game. Content that is fresh, unique and rich will stand the storm; otherwise will collapse amid the sea of competitors. So make sure that your content has freshness to it, even if you read it a month later. Usually that is difficult to establish in news website, because the topicality of news item, but is definitely achievable.

  3. Be friends with Google

  4. Be friends with GoogleImage Credit – onlineincometeacher.com

    Need your website to stand out? Make your website included in Google News. For that to happen, you need:

    1. Fresh content
    2. Better site crawling
    3. Unique URLs

    When you have these three key features, you can submit your website to Google for better search results and organic reach, giving you an edge over your competitors. Google follows certain technical guidelines and if your news content meets Google standards, you are ready to roll!

  5. Crawl.. Crawl.. Crawl!

  6. When you have a news website that has heaps of content, you need to keep updating your Google sitemap with fresh content every day. Also avoid plagiarized content for better crawl rate. Also look for measures to improve site speed for better reach. Do not forget to post frequently to keep your website alive.

  7. Create a beautiful structure

  8. Create a beautiful structureImage Credit – colorlib.com

    In addition to rich content, the structure of the website is of utmost importance. Imagine a messy news website with no direction. Will it give you the numbers that you’re expecting? Think about it and follow these SEO tips:

    1. Organize your website.
    2. Add URLs wherever necessary for better rankings.
    3. Use pagination instead of “next” and “previous” buttons, for better clarity.
    4. Reduce the depth in your website.

    So for unobstructed search results, your website needs to be clean and organized.

  9. Social media: the rising star

  10. Social mediaImage Credit – adlibbing.org

    If you haven’t used social media with your website, you haven’t seen the world yet. Social media along with SEO in 2018 is the most powerful tool that you can use to build website traffic, without having to pay for it in extensively.

    Your connection with social media sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and even Instagram will not only direct the population to read your content, but will also build SEO traffic through those sites. You can use images and videos in your Facebook pages and twitter handles to make your content attractive and readable.

    Apart from that, make your website mobile friendly. This will not only make your website build its reach over time, but will also generate SEO traffic in numbers that you had never imagined.


To sum it up, website optimization is not a difficult task when you have SEO Company in Delhi to help you. The high quality SEO services in Delhi will definitely help you optimize your news websites for a better SEO experience, both for the readers and your website.

The Complete Guide to effective SEO Tactics

The Complete Guide to effective SEO Tactics

Seo no doubt is imperative for online marketing and organic traffic. Organic traffic is the traffic driven generated via unpaid search results. To your surprise, more than 70% of clicks prefer the organic searches which rank on the first page of Google.

However, ranking on the first page of Google is another eminent factors to flourish your eCommerce business online. It is also important to evolve your eCommerce> with the changing algorithms of Google every now and then.

Change is essential!

Having said that, it is also important to follow certain SEO tactics that will definitely generate results in your favor. Let’s dive in and explore the effective SEO tactics to grow your ROI efficaciously-

Know your Buyers’ Persona

know your buyer personaImage Credit – quora.com

Do you already own an eCommerce site of your own? That’s great! It’s time to evolve your eCommerce journey with the help of your buyers’ personality and rank foremost on Google. Explore your to-be patrons to the depth, acquire certain details-

  • Profession- Check out for the profession of your leads
  • Interests: Games- Indoor/Outdoor, Music- Slow; Pop
  • Ideal- Know your prospects’ ideals
  • Books they prefer reading
  • Timings- Their preferred timing to surf the net.
  • Use Google forms to collect these data.

Enhance your content for Voice Search

voice searchImage Credit – paramountdigital.co.uk

Voice Search is the current trending buzz in the eCommerce today. Data records for more than one billion voice search during the initial days of the year. Adapting your SEO for voice optimization might make you miss a lot of traffic, which would directly impact your sales.

Dive deep into your users’ action on mobile

Dive deep into your users’ action on mobileImage Credit – achates360.com

There is no denying the fact that m-commerce and surfing the Internet on mobile go hand in hand. You must make sure that each of your pages is mobile-friendly.

Hit on to the mobile usability under Google Search Console, herein you can find the errors related to mobile usability if any. Also, there are several tools such as heatmap, hot-jar to monitor your visitors’ action and level your SEO.

Engage your “native” audience

native audienceImage Credit – deltadiscovery.com

Native or rather let us call them your local audience. Local SEO has always proved to bring out newer opportunities for the local eCommerce businesses. Another very important SEO tactic is competing in your local eCommerce market first. One way you can earn your native audiences’ trust is via providing them better services and collecting positive feedbacks from your shoppers.

Avoid bulky images and GIFs

Your website’s speed can either “make” or ‘break” your site’s ranking. It does highly impact on the number of checkouts. Hence, compressing the images and gifs are a better option to maintain a speedy website. Optimizing your page speed is a must in order to rank on the first page of Google.

To Sum Up…

Now that you are aware of the SEO tactics to be used. You should follow them and rank on the top. Apart from them, don’t just rely upon stuffing your page with numerous keywords as Google is better at identifying excess keywords. It was all about some of the effective SEO tactics. However, if you are looking forward to SEO services in Delhi. You must hit in to explore everything about the best SEO company in Delhi.

The complete guide to double your search traffic via impeccable SEO Tips

The complete guide to double your search traffic via impeccable SEO Tips

Won’t you like to double your search traffic? Obviously, you do!  SEO no doubt holds utmost importance in evolving your brand awareness and amplifying your brand awareness. Researches show that more than 80% of the website’s traffic begins with website’s query. That’s where SEO (Search Engine Optimization) comes into play. As with the ever-changing Google’s algorithm it is important to stay updated with every refined tactic.

You would be amazed to know that Google records over 3.5 billion searches every single day. Which means it does help your website with hoards of relevant traffic each second. Moreover, optimal traffic is directly proportional to more conversions. Thus, bringing in increased revenues. However, to achieve all this one needs to be seen on the first page of Google. Is it mandatory to be seen on the first page? Well, the data here states that around 75% of people do not even consider clicking over the past first page. Well, to sort all your difficulties we have brought in the effective SEO tips to double your search traffic and earn more:

An SEO Optimized Landing Page:

An SEO Optimized Landing PageImage Credit – vonazon.com

A well-optimized landing page is a gateway to generate more lead and sales. Landing pages are a way to capture new leads. Thus, helping you double your search traffic. Creating a high-quality landing page with professional graphics tend to draw visitors attention on a high-scale. Below are the key elements of a good landing page that would certainly drive a lot of visitors to your web page-

  • CTA (Call To Action): Every landing page must consist of more than “three” CTAs. Since CTAs have always played an eminent role in driving relevant users to your website and assists in doubling your search traffic.
  • Valuable Content: You must make sure your landing pages deliver quality content in order to double your search traffic.

Double your search traffic via Social Share Buttons

social share buttonImage Credit – www.weebly.com

Social share buttons tend to subtly encourage and double your search traffic larger note. Thus, increasing your eCommerce earnings. Social share buttons such as that of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest etc. tend to generate a lot of backlinks (strong backlinks strengthens your SEO rankings). One must consider placing their social media share buttons at the right place (sticking your social media share buttons will rather be appreciable).

Don’t forget using Infographics

infographic designImage Credit – imgglobalinfotech.com

Infographics are yet another eminent factors which drive on a lot of search traffic to your web page. Infographics tend to attract visitors more speedy than any other form of information imparting tactics. Research suggests that quality Infographics may double your search traffic by 193%. Moreover, studies show that infographics are 30x more likely than any regular text article. All you need is accurate stats and get ready with nice color combinations in order to form perfect Infographics and double your search traffic.

To Sum Up…

So now that you know all the impeccable SEO tips to double your search traffic, we have something captivating for you in the box- Hit in to explore the SEO services in Delhi and don’t miss a chance to reach the best SEO company in Delhi.