Great content, optimized keywords and user oriented searches are certain prerequisites that all websites adhere to. But news websites are a little bit different from the usual ones and need to take some other elements into consideration in order to generate more SEO traffic and build organic reach.

News websites, in contrast to other websites operate differently and need more attention to specific details for better SEO rankings. So here are certain SEO strategies that you need to follow in order to enhance your news website:

  1. Content is king

  2. Content is kingImage Credit –

    When you have news website to run wherein content is supreme, you need to really level up your game. Content that is fresh, unique and rich will stand the storm; otherwise will collapse amid the sea of competitors. So make sure that your content has freshness to it, even if you read it a month later. Usually that is difficult to establish in news website, because the topicality of news item, but is definitely achievable.

  3. Be friends with Google

  4. Be friends with GoogleImage Credit –

    Need your website to stand out? Make your website included in Google News. For that to happen, you need:

    1. Fresh content
    2. Better site crawling
    3. Unique URLs

    When you have these three key features, you can submit your website to Google for better search results and organic reach, giving you an edge over your competitors. Google follows certain technical guidelines and if your news content meets Google standards, you are ready to roll!

  5. Crawl.. Crawl.. Crawl!

  6. When you have a news website that has heaps of content, you need to keep updating your Google sitemap with fresh content every day. Also avoid plagiarized content for better crawl rate. Also look for measures to improve site speed for better reach. Do not forget to post frequently to keep your website alive.

  7. Create a beautiful structure

  8. Create a beautiful structureImage Credit –

    In addition to rich content, the structure of the website is of utmost importance. Imagine a messy news website with no direction. Will it give you the numbers that you’re expecting? Think about it and follow these SEO tips:

    1. Organize your website.
    2. Add URLs wherever necessary for better rankings.
    3. Use pagination instead of “next” and “previous” buttons, for better clarity.
    4. Reduce the depth in your website.

    So for unobstructed search results, your website needs to be clean and organized.

  9. Social media: the rising star

  10. Social mediaImage Credit –

    If you haven’t used social media with your website, you haven’t seen the world yet. Social media along with SEO in 2018 is the most powerful tool that you can use to build website traffic, without having to pay for it in extensively.

    Your connection with social media sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and even Instagram will not only direct the population to read your content, but will also build SEO traffic through those sites. You can use images and videos in your Facebook pages and twitter handles to make your content attractive and readable.

    Apart from that, make your website mobile friendly. This will not only make your website build its reach over time, but will also generate SEO traffic in numbers that you had never imagined.


To sum it up, website optimization is not a difficult task when you have SEO Company in Delhi to help you. The high quality SEO services in Delhi will definitely help you optimize your news websites for a better SEO experience, both for the readers and your website.