AdWords Strategies That You Must Implement This Year

AdWords Strategies That You Must Implement This Year

If you are running any organisation, then it becomes mandatory to stay updated with the latest trends and robust marketing ideas. One of admiring ideas that I’ve observed is the updating of stock in offline stores; you will see the crackers 3 months before the Diwali and the same thing happen during other festivals. Hence their marketing tricks work as per the previous data and future trends. The same resembles in the internet domain where your digital marketing strategies are based on your analyses.

So, here in this post, we dig deep inside the pay per clicks promotions, and after reading this entire article, you have the best strategies in your arsenal to hit the PPC marketing this year. The primary focus is to boost our Adwords strategies to improve marketing, but the same methods can be implemented on other platforms too. The tips that you will get here are by a reputed digital marketing agency in Delhi hence you must read this article carefully.

Observe the Seasonal Variations

In our country, almost everything will reflect a seasonal trend. In simple words, it is not necessary that a product that gives you a massive ROI in January will work now. Hence, you have to look for the pattern and then bring the services that your customers’ seek.

For example, if you search for the keyword ‘teddy bear’ on Google Trends or Adwords, you observe high searched during February as compared to the whole year.

Teddy Bear Google Trends

Hence, for those who sell online teddy bear will get a huge business during this period. You can find the same with our services like “online rakhi” as the demand is quite high from June to August.

Online Rakhi Google Trends

So, if you are going to plan for PPC campaigns, then first observe the previous trends and then create Adwords strategies accordingly.

Select the best dates

After collecting all the data, it is better to promote your services when the demand is high. As the PPC marketing is based on the searched keywords, hence your customer acquisition strategies must cover the keywords with high search volumes for those particular dates that include the potential users of your products.

Learn from the past

Maybe this sounds like an inspirational quote, but effective Adwords strategies begin with it. If you have worked on PPC campaigns in the past, then you have the valuable data to rectify your mistakes.

As an example, if you go to the search term reports of in the Adwords and set the date range to past three weeks to the date of Raksha Bandhan, then you will get all the searches when your ad displayed, and hence you have a worth data related to Raksha Bandhan related searches.

One of the best digital marketing tips for small business is to create Adwords strategies during annual event and festival. It will help you to compare the effectiveness of your campaigns separately and comes under your budget; it is easy to manage them and gives you high ROI.

Select the Perfect Keyword

After getting a better understanding of search terms and reports, it is the time when you need to trash wrong keywords and keep the good one on the list. However, it is easy to separate the keywords that don’t yield anything, but the point is how to get the terms that give you traffics and leads.

After analysing your digital marketing metrics, you have a high stock of isolated keywords, i.e. the good and bad ones. However, now you need to match the good terms for specific campaigns. The right keywords can be matched as per the three categories.

  • Brand
  • Evergreen
  • Prospecting

The first two are obvious to understand. Distinguish the brand search terms and analyse them, to avoid the over-budget campaigns.

Evergreen keywords contain the perfectly matched terms and yield consistent results.

Prospecting keywords are potential search terms that may lead you to the conversion. You can put your money on them and then monitor its performance.

Promotional Extensions and Sitelinks

Sitelinks can give an extra boost to your ad campaigns, and you must add it in your AdWords strategies.

You can use scheduled Adwords sitelinks extensions during event and season to get rid of creating a new ad campaign. Moreover, it will allow you to add more information such as outlet hours or straight links to the particular product.

In simple words, promotional extensions are the special offers during holidays to attract the audience. Being specific Raksha Bandhan festive, a marketer may think to run it from July to August or until the festival date.

Following examples will help you to promote sales:

  • Monetary discount. Get Rs 500 off on first order
  • Up to monetary Up to Rs 100 off!
  • Percent 80% off on first order!
  • Up to percent Up to 60% off your first order

Promotional extensions catch the searchers’ eyes easily and increase the chances to buy the product from your site.

Embed a Countdown Clock

Many advertisements today emphasise the period of any offers. Adwords strategies that incorporate such countdown clocks are beneficial to get higher traffic and sales conversion.

For example “Myntra’s End of Reason Sale. Order before it ends. 6 hours to go.”

So these are the best Adwords strategies that you must implement this year to increase your ROI and to save yourself from irrelevant PPC marketing.

Valuable advice for every newbie to digital marketing located or pan India. You can search for SEO services in Delhi of the to get your acquainted with PPC marketing and strategies.

SEO or PPC: Which is the best Strategy for Your Business

SEO or PPC: Which is the best Strategy for Your Business

With the advent of the internet, more and more people are using search engines like Google to look for the products and services they need. Search engines have become an essential medium that influences the purchasing decision of the buyer. The chances of people finding your website through search engines are much better than landing there directly. Therefore, a strong presence in search engine results become crucial for the businesses.

Search engine optimization (SEO) and Pay per Click (PPC) are the two most important marketing strategies meant to drive the visitor to the website.

SEO is a combination of various strategies and techniques used to boost the number of visitors on a website by improving its ranking in the organic results of a search. A higher ranking in the search engines implies a higher number of visitors, higher conversion rates and higher revenue thereby. SEO includes techniques like keyword research, SEO auditing, on-site optimization, off-site optimization, competition analysis and evaluation of the results.

PPC is one the most popular form of search engine advertising. Google allows the advertisers to display their ads in the sponsored results section. The advertiser pays a fixed amount to the search engine when their ads are clicked. The click directs the visitor to the advertiser’s website. So instead of earning the search visits organically, a business in a way purchases the visits to his site.

Both the methods aim to convince the users to visit and increase the traffic to your website.

Both the approaches have their merits and demerits, and before deciding on the better strategy for your business, you should consider following points:

  1. The amount you want to spend on marketing should be taken into account. If you are working on a tight budget, then PPCs might not be a feasible option and add to your expenses. PPC allows benefits like:
    • The primary objective of any website is to drive traffic and increase conversion rates (CRs). And variables of the website have to be tested to work out on weaker points and improve CRs. PPCs can be used to buy the required traffic and reach the result quickly.
    • Search engine’s algorithm changes every now and then. Sites optimized for one type of algorithm suffer when the algorithm changes and the new update is instantly required. But while paying for each click, you are immune to the changes in the algorithm.
  2. Cost per click(CPC) is different for different keywords and phrases. Use ‘Traffic Estimator’ tool to find out the average cost for any keyword/phrase. Ensure the average cost of your specific keyword is not too high.
  3. Analyze how strong the competition in your target market is? Make use of ‘Google External keyword research tool’ to estimate the competition level in your industry.

You may find that the authority websites mostly command your specific keywords. Displacing such sites to make a place for your website in the market is a quite complicated job. Instead, it makes more sense to use PPC services in this case.

It isn’t necessary that only one of the two strategies has to be used. Both of them can be used in combination to have a powerful impact.