SOP Samples For Canada Student Visa PDF and Tips

SOP Samples For Canada Student Visa PDF and Tips

Canada is expected to receive 465000 immigrants in 2023, which will reach a milestone number of 500,000 by 2025. Isn’t the number promising for you, especially if you are planning to visit the country for a purpose soon? Canada attracts numberless students from all over the world. However, only a few get approval to enter the country. What makes the others get a ‘yes’ from the embassy office? Perhaps, a perfect statement of purpose. But it is not child’s play to prepare this formal document that considerably affects your approval chances. What to do, then? Well, you should take help from numerous SOP samples for Canada available online.

Professional SOP writing service providers prepare SOP letters and also upload the samples. You can learn the basics of SOP writing by taking inspiration from these sample documents. Once confident, you can write one for your visa application procedure. Yes, writing a perfect SOP on the first chance takes time. But referring to the samples is a wise decision. That is why students hire professional SOP writers. But with recurring efforts and understanding deeply the SOP samples for Canada student visa, you can make it happen. Let’s not make SOP preparation as complicated as rocket science. This blog will help you get into the nook and cranny of the role of SOP samples and their role in document preparation.

Factors that Prove SOP for Canada Study Visa is Important

Before you get more familiar with the SOP samples for study visas, let’s talk about the importance of an SOP. It is an abbreviation of the Statement of Purpose, a formal yet descriptive document. For international students, the SOP for Canada Student Visa solves many purposes. It describes the motivation to choose a specific course and the factors to prefer Canada for higher studies. It reveals the accomplishments of a student in past educational life. If a working professional plans to pursue a degree, the document is the right place to describe the related experiences. Which one are you?

Take an idea from an SOP sample for Canada and increase your chances of SOP approval. International universities demand SOP to know more about a course applicant. It is the biggest reason to give importance to a statement of purpose. Your application may get refusal if an SOP does not accompany your profile. The document is an opportunity to speak your mind. However, take care of the word limits of an SOP for Canada Visa, a maximum of 1200 words. Never forget that the importance of an SOP is mortal because it is restricted in a decided format. When you break the rule, the visa officers lose interest in your SOP.

How does the SOP format for Canada Student Visa help prepare a good document

Canadian Embassy has a decided SOP format for international students. Your information gains importance and will drive the attention of the visa officers if it is in the correct sequence. You must have read the right way to put the details in many Canada Student Visa SOP Samples. The more you stick to the writing guidelines, the higher the SOP approval chances. The embassy officers want to get the most out of an SOP document to know more about a student.

SOP preparation in the correct format ensures you include all the essential details in the correct sequence. It helps the immigration officers make an instant decision on your candidature. You can refer to multiple Canada SOP Samples available online. Due to numerous legal obligations, visa officers must know your background. When you cross a border, even as a student, your nation’s government is politically responsible for your actions. However, to improve international relationships, countries like Canada are liberal for international students. But the Embassy cannot overlook the basic rules. If you thoroughly read an SOP Sample for Canada Study Visa, you will realize the importance of relevancy in the information.

Below are the primary elements of the SOP format in a sequential manner. When writing your student visa SOP, mention your details according to the sequence and points below.


This section is like a golden opportunity to leave a long-lasting influence because the first impression is the last. This section starts with your name, and you first mention your purpose. Mention your course name, college name, and the letter of acceptance received from the college. You will also explain that you want to present the justifying factors to prove your candidature for a particular course.

Academic/ Professional Credentials

This section is an all-inclusive insight into education and professional background. Include everything from matriculation and higher secondary percentage to the latest educational accomplishment. Many working professionals apply for a course to enhance their skills in the same sector. Describe how the degree will enhance your career.

Why Choose the Particular Course?

You should have potential reasons to choose a particular course. This section should highlight your motivation to choose a specific course. Explain how the skills attained from the course make a better future. Simply put, you need to prove the worth of a course in your career. Still need clarity? Refer to the Canada SOP Sample pdf at and learn how to make your content impressive.

Why Choose a Particular College?

Numerous colleges offer the same degree courses, but there should be some reasons if you choose a specific college. Mention why the college stands out, such as vocational training, scholarship programs, friendly culture, or any world record. Embassy wants to know how deep is your research about an educational institution. Never sound fake, and never use exaggerations to please the embassy officers. Read a Canada SOP sample to know how to maintain the right tone.

Why Canada?

Canada is like a second home to international students due to its liberal attitude towards the students. This section wants you to mention why Canada is a perfect place for higher education. Try to include some data to make your SOP for Canada Student Visaconvincing. By 2023, Canada will welcome 500,000 immigrants, such data help prove your point.

Future Plans

Relate the worth of the course you want to pursue to your future short-term and long-term goals. Your target salary package, your target promotion, or anything that rationally explains your plans sufficiently. You may also want to open a business for which pursuing a course is essential.

Ties to Home Country

The ‘future plans’ section is perhaps destined to get a hint that you are determined to go back to your native country. Every country accepts international students if they commit to returning to their native place. If you ever notice the small details in a Visa SOP sample, you will notice them clearly.

Finance for Studies

Financial stability is essential, and this section demands all the details to prove it. You will mention who will sponsor your education and the source of money. Also, the total income of your sponsor, along with the value of the movable and immovable assets, should be there. Inform about your GIC deposit as well. Considering the importance of this section, refer to Canada Study Visa SOP Samples. Your approval depends considerably on this section.

Language Proficiency

Canadian English is a popular language, and you must clarify that you can speak it confidently. For a student, communication skills are always essential; thus, commit your language proficiency in this section. Do not lie because you will face the interview after selection. Attain proficiency in this language, and you can also mention if you have completed any language course.


Your conclusion should always be constructive, which means successfully establishing your worth for a course in Canada. An impressive conclusion relates to the information mentioned in the document. The relevancy factor also applies here; remember that the last impression has a long-lasting impact.

How you Can Draft Your SOP with the help of Canada Visa SOP Samples (pdf)

A sample is an exact demo of an actual copy of an SOP for a Canada visa. You can notice the practical details that the document demands a student visa SOP if you read it. Ambitious youngsters who dream of studying in Canada look for the best SOP samples for Canada student visa. They know that small mistakes across the document can invite a refusal of student visa SOP.

An SOP sample can help you write your SOP-

  1. Keep the introduction impressive as you read above about the format requirements. Also, the constructive conclusion is a desirable element.
  2. Never skip or change the sequence of the information. The Embassy wants to get the most out of the document through the guidelines.
  3. Do not sound like a ‘know-it-all’ person as you are going as a learner. Keep a difference between confidence and overconfidence.
  4. Once you complete your Canada Student Visa SOP,Take a second thought from a professional SOP writer to improve your approval chances.

When you find a useful sample, search for more than one demo document. The deeper your research, You can also talk to the SOP service providers once you get the Canada Visa SOP Samples PDF. They may explain a few more technicalities of SOP writing; however, if you feel you can hire them to write for you.

Get a Sample SOP for Canada student

A statement of purpose is a formal document with specific guidelines and a format. Also, when you mention your details in an SOP letter, the document needs a proper sequence. Simply put, SOP writing can be a real task if you are a newcomer without experience. It is why looking for the SOP samples for Canada study visa is advisable. They are available free of cost. You know already that your visa approval depends thoroughly on the quality of your SOP letter. Do not take any chances because that spoils your time, which is a significant loss for a deserving student.

For a student, the purpose of attaining good education is always bigger than anything else. Attaining Canada SOP Sample pdfs may help you get approval on your actual SOP. It is why you should always refer to a sample if you think SOP writing is not a handy task for you. However, many course applicants also hire professional SOP preparation services. You can also do that if SOP drafting is not your cup of tea. You can visit the websites of SOP writing service providers, such as Leave an online query to receive a Canada SOP sample in your email conveniently.

Statement of Purpose (SOP) Sample for Study Visa Canada


The High Commission of Canada,

Subject: Request to approve Study Visa application for Canada

Dear High Commissioner,

I, {Name}, feel ecstatic to have been provided the opportunity to put on show my overall persona for your kind evaluation. Having had an inquisitive bent of mind towards the management field, I decided to now upgrade my skills and get a global learning approach in the same. This will not just enhance my knowledge in my field but also make me competent enough to carve out a niche for myself in the domain of management in the years to come. Therefore, after much consideration, I decided to continue my higher studies in Canada by pursuing a Master of Business Administration at the University Canada West. The university viewed my application in a good light which is why they sent me the Letter of Acceptance. Now, I wish to have a Study Visa for Canada so that I can incur my higher learnings in the university proximity.


My previous scholastic attainment has proven rewarding for me as it helped me acquire meaningful insights into my domain of interest. After completing my Matriculation from Kendriya Vidyalaya – Picket (Primary Block), {Location}, I did my Intermediate studies from Kendriya Vidyalaya, CRPF Camp, {Location}. Then, I decided to pursue a Bachelor of Science in Hospitality and Hotel Administration from {college name} wherein I got exposed to various courses that imbibed me with notable learnings.

With the intention of getting hands-on experience in my domain, I decided to enter the professional world. Hence, I joined a multinational company called Bestseller Retail India Pvt. Ltd. In the capacity of a Retail Operational Management Trainee (ROMT). In one year, the ROMT program concluded wherein I performed well and as a consequence, got promoted to the position of Floor Manager. After working for {Period} of working as a Floor Manager, I got promoted to the position of Assistant Manager. Here, I got the chance of handling the second largest business-making store in the role of an Acting Store Manager wherein 40 team members reported to me. For {Duration} I worked with Bestseller Retail India after which I shifted my professional base to another multinational company which is a world-renowned sportswear brand called Puma Sports India Pvt. Ltd. I worked here as a Store Operation Manager and have been working here ever since.


I have been a part of the business sector for {Period} now as I have been extending my services in reputed Retail Stores as a Store Manager. My daily professional duties revolve around the management field but my formal qualification in the management domain is not very high. Having acquired an undergraduate degree in the Hospitality and Hotel Administration program, so far I have been able to achieve worthwhile skills. However, in order to outshine my competitors in the business domain and emerge as a thriving management professional in the future, I must attain some outstanding expertise. I do not wish to confine my abilities to a Store Manager, instead, I want to deal with people internationally and make a huge name for myself in the business sector. This is the reason why I want to continue my studies and that too by pursuing a Master of Business Administration. With the completion of this very course of study, I will be considered for a leading job role in prominent multinational companies in India. Along with my thus far professional experience, I will also have a higher educational qualification as proof of my expertise in the management domain.

Once I will conclude my Master’s, it will get easy for me to climb the ladder of success in the field of business management. To name a few, Talent Management, Accounting for Managers, Business Analytics, Marketing Management, Financial Management, Operations Management, Leadership in the Global Context, Project Management, Digital Transformation, and Strategic Management are the courses that will help me in widening my horizon of wisdom in my domain of interest. I will also get the opportunity to choose one elective out of nine namely Digital Marketing, Finance, Business Analytics, Project Management, Leadership, Entrepreneurship, Marketing, Human Resource Management, and Consulting. With this study program, I will also become a Certified Digital Marketing Associate, Digital Marketing Professional, and Management Consultant along with Chartered Professional in Human Resources.


I have chosen University Canada West for my Master of Business Administration because this very university is highly reputed in Canada for its impeccable education quality. Also, the university partners with leading tech and business firms to offer state-of-the-art courses to its students. Some of these firms are Tableau, Facebook Blueprint, Amazon Web Services, Shopify, Salesforce, Riipen, IBM Design Thinking, Digital Marketing Institute, and TriMetrix. As per statistics, 96.9% of students who passed from University Canada West are already working in a good organization or have a job arranged within a year of getting their respective degrees. Many of the former students of University Canada West are working with famous companies like Apple, Siemens, SAP, Scotiabank, Danone, Sigamlux, Walt Disney World, etc. All these attributes of University Canada West impelled me to choose it for my MBA in Canada.


Canada is my final choice for higher education abroad because it is considered the third most desired study destination in the world. Canada comprises institutes that are avant-garde and have an excellent education system. The tuition fee is also lower in Canadian institutes as compared to equally reputed academies in other western countries like the USA, the UK, etc. Even the living costs in Canada are comparatively cheaper. Moreover, as Canada is a technologically-advanced nation, it will provide me with job opportunities that will allow me to gain practical knowledge that is complemented by modern technology. In addition to that, being a melting pot of culture, Canada creates a safe atmosphere for international students like me, thus helping us feel secure and comfortable while studying in the country without stressing over facing any kind of cultural differences. Also, Indian institutes could not provide me with the requisite practical exposure that I needed as they mainly concentrate on providing theory-based learning. As I yearn for more field experience, I decided to study in Canada instead.


After my desired studies conclude at University Canada West, I intend on returning to my native country, India, while carrying with me every skill and knowledge that I imbibed during my study time in Canada. Upon my return, I wish to enter the work setting of a huge organization wherein I am working in such a leading position that my work responsibilities involve taking key decisions for the organization. Over the long haul, I envision commencing my own venture wherein I will put my attained skills into practice and work towards taking my business to the apex of accomplishment while simultaneously solidifying my expertise to emerge as a thriving businessman in the near future.


Familial ties – My family is my greatest tie to my home country, India. In my family, I have my father {Name}, my mother {Name}, and my two sisters {Sisters Name}. While my father is a Central Government employee, my mother is a homemaker. My sister {Name} is an Account Executive at {Company’s Name} and my other sister {Name} is a student. Every member of my family plays an integral role in my life and I love all of them very dearly. To be specific, my parents have had a great impact on me as they always motivated me to never give up on whatever I strive for in my life. The way my parents have stood by me in every step of my life, I wish to be with them by being their pillar of strength when they get old. I want to help them by every means possible which includes financial and emotional assistance also. Being the only son of my parents, it becomes my moral duty to be at my parents’ service during their aging years so that they can spend the rest of their lives without any worries. My parents are the main reason why I want to get back to India post completing my education in Canada.

Professional ties – Thus far, I have been able to acquire worthwhile work experience in India in the management field, thanks to the endless career prospects available in the country and that too at renowned organizations. Having worked in world-famous companies, I have acquired notable learnings but after I study MBA in Canada, my expertise will get raised and due to the same, I will get abundant work opportunities in India. Having an internationally-recognized degree under my belt will give me the upper hand during my job search here. Hence, I would like to be highly conducive to the growth of my home country, India which is a developing country. As Canada is already a developed country with an excellent economy, I look forward to being advantageous to my homeland and extending my services for the betterment of the same. As the work culture of India is very pleasant and there are already many globally-renowned companies present in the country, it would be great for me to work here while also living close to my old parents.


My family is endorsing my education and accommodation costs in Canada as they are financially sound enough to do so. I have attached the requisite financial proof with this application to prove that my family is financially well-competent to sponsor my studies and accommodation in Canada. To note, I have already paid the first-year tuition fee of {Amount} along with the GIC amount of {Amount}.


I have a stronghold in the English language and to prove the same, I took the IELTS exam wherein I secured an overall band score of {Points}. Enclosed herewith is my IELTS report for your reference.


I, hereby, announce that I have a full understanding of the visa policies of Canada and am adamant about sticking by them up until my return to India. Now, I request you to consider my application positively and grant me the requisite Study Visa for Canada so that I can enhance my overall skillset and come out as highly skilled management professional in the years to come.

How to Avoid Refusal of Canada Student Visa?

Student visa refusal is painful; be alert if you do not want to go through that experience. Play safe and attain an all-inclusive knowledge of SOP writing. It is much better to write a perfect SOP than an SOP for Canada Study Visa After Refusal. Right?

Here are a few suggestions to avoid refusal on your student visa SOP-

  1. Prepare your SOP on time because the document may need editing after preparation. Keep extra time for editing and timely complete the proofreading.
  2. The details you mention about the certificates should always match the attached documents. Embassies believe every word of your SOP.
  3. If you are not confident about writing an SOP, hire a professional. If you are yet to make up your mind, ask for SOP samples for Canada from a service provider.
  4. Use the vocabulary according to the SOP standards and avoid flashy language or jargon. That is a distractive element when you are trying to follow a flow.

A statement of purpose needs mindful writing with attention to the tiniest detail. With experience, you can avoid writing an Sample SOP for Canada refusal. Your student visa will get approved on the first chance. It is not wrong to attempt SOP preparation. But as a refusal can weaken your chances next time, you can talk to a professional SOP writing service provider. It is also essential to know that every SOP letter needs customization. Every student has different circumstances.

Friendly help from SOP Samples for Canada Student Visa After Refusal

Refusal is a painful experience for a student because it wastes time and breaks morale. Have you ever gone through such an experience? However, the good thing is that second chances are always available. But you must ensure you do not repeat the mistakes while writing the refusal SOP. The Sample SOP for Canada refusal can be an excellent reference to exploit your next chance of appearing in the Canadian Embassy. You can search online because an ample number of samples are available. However, getting an update on the latest guidelines is also necessary.

Due to current international, diplomatic, and economic circumstances between the two countries, slight chances may happen in SOP guidelines. You can refer to the latest Canada SOP samples to know more about this concern. A refusal SOP sample simplifies your struggle to write a perfect statement of purpose after a failure. Usually, students think that it is complicated to convince the embassy officers. Do you also think like that? That is not correct. If you follow the simple writing rules or thoroughly study the refusal SOP samples, you can confidently prepare the document. Think about the professional SOP writers at SOPhelp, who prepare letters daily and have a higher approval ratio. How do they do it? They understand the simple and small rules that help attain SOP approval in front of the visa officers.

SOP Sample for Canada Study Visa After Refusal


The High Commission of Canada,

Subject: Request to approve Study Visa application for Canada

Dear High Commissioner,

I, {Name}, feel elated to have gotten another chance to showcase my general persona for your kind evaluation. I am writing this in response to the refusal letter that I received against my prior visa application {UCI No.} & {Application No.}. Having been an enthusiastic learner, I always strived to do my best in my area of study. This is the reason why I chose to acquire a global learning exposure in my domain of interest and after thorough research, have decided on pursuing the program of Project Management at Conestoga College in Canada. The college has already sent me the Acceptance Letter after which I sought a Study Visa for Canada. However, the visa committee refused my application stating the reason that I wish to justify in the following. I hope my visa application is viewed positively this time and I am granted the Study Visa for Canada.


My previous scholastic exposure was a rewarding affair as it inculcated me with notable learnings, to say the least. I attained my Secondary School Certificate and Higher Secondary Certificate from Holy Innocents Public School, New Delhi, after which I pursued my Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Journalism and Mass Communication from Delhi Metropolitan College.

In order to have some kind of real-world experience, I started working with VN Glam Event Company in the role of an Event and Artist Management Executive. Afterward, with the help of the college’s on-campus placement program, I began to intern as a Field Reporter at The Pioneer. Then, I moved my professional base to Color Square Marketing Agency wherein I worked as a Marketing and Advertising Executive. Thereafter, I stepped into the work setting of Leaz Edu Tech as an Advisory Consultant where within a span of a few months, I got promoted and got the opportunity to lead a team and simultaneously become a client-oriented consultant. After working here for {Period}, I shifted to the multinational company Concentrix in which I worked for Amazon for a {Span} as a Senior Representative. It has been {Period} now that I have been working in a travel company called {Company Name} in the role of a Senior Executive.


Since the beginning of my undergraduate studies, I had an inquisitive bent of mind toward creative and strategic positions in the domain of events and media. Not just my undergrad gave me an insight into the management field, but my professional exposure helped me get practical learning in the same. Earlier, I sought admission to the Event Management program at Conestoga College; however, the visa rejection that I got created a hurdle in my desire to study my prior chosen program. Also, there was no session in the event management program in January which is why the college faculty advised me to change my course of study to project management. Project Management is similar to Event Management; however, the only difference is that the latter is more of a field-oriented program whereas the former emphasizes more on the management world of the corporate industry. My passion for the management industry is the reason why I wish to continue my higher education in the project management field so that I can become a highly-skilled professional in my domain of interest and carve out a niche for myself in it. I also yearn to have a global learning approach so that I am able to work with international clients effortlessly. To have such exposure, I agreed with the college’s suggestion and eventually decided to study the program of Project Management at Conestoga College. From this very course of study, I will be acquainted with various noteworthy subjects that will hone my skills to a great extent. Some of these courses are Agile Project Management, Project Leadership and Team Management, Effective Writing, Business Operations, Project Risk and Issues Management, Introduction to Project Management, Advanced Project Planning and Control, Project Planning – Scope and Quality, Project Planning – Schedule and Budget, Project Leadership and Team Management, and Stakeholder Management. Once I complete the study program, I will become competent enough to handle the scope, timing, cost, and quality of a project. Along with it, I will also be able to modify projects concerning problems that come up internally as well as externally. To, add, I can implement project management practices for the launching of new products, initiatives, projects, events, and services in relation to the requirements of the stakeholder. All in all, I will become well-versed in the project management field which will help me climb the ladder of success in the future.


I have chosen Conestoga College for my higher education in Canada because it fits perfectly with my educational requirements. I was searching for an institution that not only offers class-apart education but also gives the field exposure that I am craving. Conestoga is one such institute where I will be peppered with quality theoretical knowledge along with getting the field experience that I need in order to make big in the management field. The faculty members of the college are highly experienced in their respective areas of study and have designed the core curriculum for the students keeping in mind their study needs.


I have zeroed in on Canada for my higher studies because I wanted to have an international educational approach that I could not get by studying in India. Though the quality of education in India is good, it is not at par with Canada’s education excellence. The Indian colleges provide theory-based knowledge more than practical which is not what I am seeking. My study requirement is to get as much industry experience as possible for which I had to decide on continuing my further education out of India. Out of so many countries that are equally reputed as Canada, I chose Canada because it is the third most desired study destination in the world. It houses some of the top-rated institutions under its belt which are known worldwide for their supreme educational quality. The tuition fee and the living costs in Canada are also quite low when compared to the countries like the USA, the UK, Australia, etc. The environment of Canada is also culturally-diverse which promotes safety and comfort for foreign students like me. Being in such a polyethnic atmosphere will help me enhance my socio-cultural exposure to a great extent.


Upon winding up my education in Canada, I envision getting back to my homeland, India, while carrying with me the knowledge and skills that I incurred from my study period in Canada. Post my return, I will begin to find a good job in a leading position that will pay me well and give me widespread organizational exposure in my line of work. Over the long haul, I reckon on commencing my own venture in India wherein I will put all my attained skills into practice. I will do my best to take my business to the zenith of success and contribute hugely to the economy of India.


My ties with my home country are very strong as my whole family lives here in India. My family consists of my father {Name}, my mother {Name}, and my brother {Name}. While my father is a Private Job Sales Manager, my mother is a Tuition Teacher, and my brother is a Senior Representative for Customer Service. My whole family has supported me through thick and thin and I cannot even think of leaving them behind all alone forever. My parents specifically have been my biggest strength and I want to be with them when they are old. Just like the way my parents have stood by my side since my childhood, I wish to be by their side when they retire. I want to assist them by all means including emotional and financial. Thus, it is for my parents that I will come back to India as soon as my studies in Canada gets over. Other than that, my plan to open my own business in India in the long run compels me to return to India post concluding my studies in Canada.


My family is partly endorsing my education and accommodation in Canada as I have also taken an education loan amounting to {Amount} from the {Bank’s Name} the proof of which is enclosed herewith. I have already paid the tuition fee of {Amount} along with the GIC amount of {Amount}.


My ability to communicate in English in Canada is good as my previous mode of instruction is also English. In the IELTS exam, I got an overall band score of {Point} which you can verify from the IELTS report that I have attached with this application.


I, hereby, announce that I have a very good understanding of the visa policies of Canada and am adamant about sticking by them until I return to India. Now, I heartily request you to reconsider my visa application and grant me approval for my Study Visa for Canada so that I can attain my requisite knowledge and become a highly-skilled professional in the realm of management.

Quick Tips for Letter of Explanation (LOE) For Canada Study Visa

Do you know what a letter of explanation is? It is a formal letter you send to the Canadian Embassy explaining the reasons of your student visa SOP is refused. To apply again, for the same, you need to write a Letter of Explanation for Refusal. It is your bright second chance to get approval. Here are some tips for writing a letter of explanation and exploiting your second chance to visit Canada for higher studies.

  1. Provide all your basic information, including name, passport number, date of birth, phone number, and email.
  2. Mention the purpose of your Visa SOP, the course you want to pursue, and the university name.
  3. Explain the reasons that made the Canadian Embassy refuse your visa. It should exactly match the refusal letter received from the Embassy.
  4. List the reasons why you believe that your student visa refusal was an incorrect decision. Explain every reason with a supporting explanation.
  5. Do not forget to put your signature. If you are unsure where to sign, just like you attained the Canada SOP Sample pdf, you can ask for an LOE sample.

A letter of explanation is crucial because it is your second chance to convince the embassy officers of your candidature. Never sound angry or rude while writing an LOE for Canada Student Visa refusal because you must have made a mistake in the SOP. You need approval, and an embassy will only prefer humble people to enter the country.

Letter of Explanation (LOE) Sample for Canada Study Visa


The High Commission of Canada,

Subject: Request to reconsider Study Visa application for Canada

Dear High Commissioner,

I, {Name}, feel extremely happy to have gotten another opportunity to exhibit my overall personality for your kind assessment. I write this in response to the refusal letter that I received against my former visa application (UCI: _______ & Application No.: _______). I have always had a very huge inclination towards the field of management and lately, decided to acquire a global learning perspective in the same. To bring that motive to fruition, I sought admission to University Canada West to pursue the program of Master of Business Administration. The university considered my application in a good light; however, the visa committee was not impressed and rejected my plea for a Canada Study Visa on the following ground.

Refusal Ground – “The purpose of your visit to Canada is not consistent with a temporary stay given the details you have provided in your application.”

Hereupon, I state justification for the refusal ground on which my visa application got rejected earlier and request you to look upon my application positively this time.


I have immense love for my family with whom I live and they are my strongest tie to my home country, India. In my family, I have my father {Name}, my mother {Name}, my elder sister {Name}, and my younger brother {Name}. While my father owns a small cloth business and my mother is a Radiology Technician, my sister is a {Designation} at {company name} and my brother is a System Administrator at a multinational company {Company’s Name}. I have always had a supportive family who motivated me to follow my ambitions. My parents, to be specific, have pushed me to my limits and inspired me to never give up on what I set my mind to. The way my parents have stood by me through thick and thin, I want to do the same for them when they get old. I have the desire to give the utmost financial and emotional help to my parents by being by their side and taking care of them when they need me the most. I do not wish to abandon my family even though I have a brother. As I am the eldest brother, I must take on family responsibilities and guide my younger brother on the right path. My elder sister is eventually going to get married and start a new life with a new family. Hence, it is my duty to be with my parents and my younger brother to support them in all circumstances. Therefore, it is my family for whom I will come back to India post concluding my education in Canada. Also, I love the work culture of India and as India is the fifth biggest economy in the world right now, there is no denying the fact that the work opportunities offered in India are countless and fruitful for career progression. There are a plethora of multinational companies in India and other huge companies as well which provide exceptional work environments to their employees. I am keen on being a part of such an atmosphere and helping in the growth of a company that is based in India. I want to do my bit in the growth of the Indian economy. Along with it, I also love the Indian culture and the vibrant ethnicity of India is hard to find elsewhere. As I am deep-rooted in the Indian culture, I do not wish to stay away from it for a long period of time. Moreover, in the long run, I plan on opening my own digital marketing agency in India so that I can stay close to my family while simultaneously working toward making my dream of having my own business come true. These are the topmost reasons why I am resolute to return to India after completing my study program in Canada.


My whole education and accommodation costs are being endorsed by my parents and siblings. All of their ITR reports are enclosed herewith for your reference. I have also taken an education loan of {Amount} from which {Amount} have been disbursed and {Amount} have been pending as I do not require it. It is worth noting that I have got {Amount} worth of scholarship on the basis of my language proficiency score which will be adjusted in the later term of the study program. Moreover, the remaining loan amount of {Amount} can be adjusted into later fees. To add, I have already paid the first-year tuition fee of {Amount} along with the GIC amount of {Amount}.


My scholastic curvature has so far been a fruitful affair as it peppered me with notable skills. I completed my Matriculation from Sant Nischal Singh Public School and finished my Intermediate studies from {school name}. Then, I pursued a Bachelor of Arts from Kalinga University with Psychology and Public Administration as my core subjects. In {Year}, as soon as my undergrad program came to an end, I decided to enter the real-world scenario and hence, joined WFA Flowers DMCC, Dubai, in the capacity of a Digital Marketing Executive. I have been working in this company ever since my joining, but from home, which is why I have not shifted to Dubai.


It is my yearslong dream to start my own business in the domain of digital marketing but as I lack management skills, it has become difficult for me to fulfill my dream. In order to make certain that my business runs smoothly and I understand fully how to manage the whole business effectively, I necessitate important managerial skills which I can get only by studying a management program. I wanted to study MBA but as I do not hail from a Commerce background, I have been offered the MBA Foundation course after the completion of which I can begin my studies in the Master of Business Administration program. I am certain that acquiring knowledge from the MBA Foundation course will give me the required basic insights that will help me create a strong base in the management field. The courses I have to study during my Foundation course are Introducing Business and Business Writing, Business Economics, and Quantitative Reasoning and Analysis. Once I am done with my MBA Foundation course, I will begin studying the real concept of management through the Master of Business Administration program. Here, I will get exposed to valuable courses like Business Analytics, Account for Managers, Operations Management, Marketing Management, Financial Management, Project Management, Digital Transformation, and Strategic Management, to name a few. I will also get the chance to choose one out of ten elective areas namely Digital Marketing, Human Resources Management, Project Management, Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Non-Profit, Consulting, Leadership, Finance, and Business Analytics. This program also makes me eligible to earn other significant certifications such as Certified Management Consultant, Certified Digital Marketing Associate, Chartered Professional in Human Resources, and Certified Digital Marketing Professional. My chosen study program has also been partnered with various topmost tech firms namely Facebook, Amazon, Shopify, Salesforce, Tableau, and many more. Overall, I am certain that I will attain outstanding knowledge from my selected study programs.


University Canada West is regarded as one of the best study institutions in Canada. It possesses the best faculty one could ever ask for as they have many years of field experience in their respective study fields. The learning infrastructure of the institution is also par excellent and what impresses me the most about the university is that it offers a copious amount of practical exposure which is what I wish to have. To note, many of the alumni of the University are working in some of the most prominent companies in the world such as Apple, Siemens, Danone, Nestle, Sigamlux, Walt Disney World, Scotiabank, and a lot more.


I have zeroed in on Canada and not India because, in Indian universities, the practical approach to education is comparatively less. Indian institutions are more into providing theoretical aspects of studies which is good but it is not what I want. I yearn for international practical knowledge which I can get only by studying in a foreign study destination. I chose Canada specifically because it is the third most desired place in the world for higher education. Also, the tuition fee and living costs in Canada are much more affordable as compared to Australia, the UK, the USA, etc. Other than that, Canada is a melting pot of culture and its welcoming nature makes international students like us feel safe and comfortable in a foreign land. Thus, we can focus on our studies without having to stress over cultural differences.


Upon the completion of my studies in Canada, I will return to India, my homeland, and get myself a job in a digital marketing firm where I could put my knowledge and skills into practice and hone my management skills to a great extent. I look forward to working as a Digital Marketing Strategist, Brand Manager, Director of Marketing, Marketing Analyst, Vice President – Marketing, Chief Marketing Officer, etc. in huge firms like Tata Consultancy Services, Reliance Industries, Adani Transmission, Bharti Airtel, Infosys, etc. To work in such organizations in senior positions, I will be offered a pay scale ranging from INR7,00,000 to INR16,00,000 per annum. After expanding my horizon of wisdom in the company and incurring advanced skills in the domain of management, I will go ahead and commence my own venture in the digital marketing field. In my firm, I will put my managerial skills to the best use and watch my business climb the ladder of success. I eagerly want to emerge as one of the best digital marketing professionals and contribute hugely to the Indian economy.


I have a good grasp of the English language and to prove the same, I have attached my IELTS report with this application in which I have secured an overall band score of {Points}.


I, hereby, announce that I am very much knowledgeable about Canadian visa policies and am extremely devoted to abiding by them until I return to India. Now, with utmost sincerity, I request you to reconsider my visa application and offer me the requisite Study Visa for Canada so that I become eligible enough to run a digital marketing agency back in India. It is noteworthy that I have already started the online studies of my chosen program and as I have learned quite a few things by now, I would like to continue the same by being in the vicinity of the university.


You can read above about the undeniable role and significance of SOP samples for Canada student visa. The two-page document facilitates all the inspiration and knowledge necessary to write your statement of purpose. The sample SOP teaches you to pay attention to every crucial detail that convinces the visa officers of your reasons. Samples will be helpful if you want to attempt writing SOP before considering Visa SOP Writing Services. However, if you discuss high approval chances, a professional writer may help you more.

The most crucial part of SOP writing is following the format accurately and being careful about the flow of information. The language and vocabulary reflect not only your personality but also your writing skills. Any country will happily accept talented students with the maturity to express their thoughts clearly. It is why SOP writing is a skill that you should first learn. However, due to lack of time, SOP Writing Services can also prove helpful. SOPhelp, a dependable SOP writing service provider, has been active in this sector for over ten years. You should contact them at least once to know what makes the organization dependable.

Frequently Asked Question (FAQ's)

How do I write a strong SOP for a Canadian student visa?

First, you should follow the guidelines to write a strong SOP. The Canadian Embassy will have its own SOP writing rules like any other. The visa officers want to know as much as possible about a student. For this purpose, they decide on guidelines and a format for the SOP. If you skip any of the rules, you may have to experience a refusal.

What is the word count for Canada Student Visa Sop?

1000 to 1200 words is the ideal word limit for a Canada student visa SOP. The immigration officers give you ample space in this descriptive document to explain your passion. Ensure the academic details, motivation to choose the course, and factors in selecting Canada all find space. Sometimes, students write lengthy SOP for Canada Student Visa and describe unnecessary details. For example – writing about your family is essential, but explaining it too much is never advisable.

Is SOP Mandatory for Canada Study Visa?

Yes, SOP is mandatory for the Canada study visa for specific reasons. It is a compulsory document that a foreign embassy demands. Certificates tell little about a student, and visa officers want to know more about an applicant. Every country wants to let only deserving people enter their geographical boundaries. It is crucial for security reasons as well. Besides. An SOP is also a document that is entirely a student’s responsibility. If anything goes wrong, due legal action can be taken based on the commitments made in an SOP letter.

Can I Draft SOP with the help of Canada Visa Sop Samples?

Indeed, you can do that. Most students demand SOP samples for Canada study visa to take inspiration. The complicated guidelines and format requirements of the Embassy may make it difficult for a student to prepare an SOP letter. However, hiring a professional SOP writing service provider is also an option. is a reliable platform for getting high approval ratio SOP letters for Canada student visas.

Can SOP samples for a Canadian student visa help me?

Of course, an SOP sample for a student visa can help you. The sample SOP documents are the exact imitation of an actual document. The SOP experts prepare it precisely according to the guidelines and format requirements of the Canadian Embassy. Either you can get a free sample or can hire professional writers. They know how to put the details in the proper sequence and take it toward a relevant and constructive conclusion.

SOP for Luxury Brand Management – Sample, Tips, and Guidelines

SOP for Luxury Brand Management – Sample, Tips, and Guidelines

The course of Luxury Brand Management is quite famous, and there are thousands of people who apply for a master’s degree in this course every year. Different countries offer different opportunities in this course. In this course, you will learn about key concepts of a brand, like authenticity, sustainability, craftsmanship, and balancing with brand access and immediacy. You will develop an understanding of the management of brands and how issues can be resolved. This course offers good work opportunities to the students if they have the required skills.

Therefore, if you wish to apply for this course, you need to choose a university/college in a specific country first. After that, you need to begin with the admission procedure. Every university demands some documents that require submission in order to get admission. An SOP for Luxury Brand Management is one such document that is submitted to the faculty of the university. This document contains all the information related to the applicant’s educational qualification and why they need the respective course. There is a proper way of drafting a statement of purpose for this course, and by the end of this blog, you will learn all about it.

Requirement of SOP Writers for Luxury Brand Management

Some students find writing a statement of purpose difficult, but you don’t have to worry anymore because help is available. There are SOP writers from whom you can ask for help. These writers are experts, and you can expect a well-written SOP for Brand Management in return from them. Students often make mistakes while writing SOPs by themselves. Some of the common mistakes are: using jargon, not editing and proofreading the document, making grammatical errors, and not providing relevant information. This is why it is better to take help from Professional SOP Writers rather than write this document by yourself.

One of the foremost benefits of opting for SOP writers is that they give a professional touch to the document. This ultimately increases the chances of getting admission into the university. Meeting the expectations of the faculty through SOP is important. And if you hire SOP Writers for Luxury Brand Management, they will keep your document informative and natural. If you want a perfect SOP ready for yourself, you can contact SOP Help for the same. Here, we have a team of writers who have years of experience in the field. Let us give you some reasons why you should choose us.

Why Choose Us?

You now understand that statement of purpose is a very important document that will portray everything about you. Taking help from Luxury Brand Management SOP Writers is necessary. If you choose us, you can expect an immediate response from our side. Moreover, our experts will deliver a full-fledged Sop to you within three working days, whereas people take around a whole week to work on the same. There are times when students require an SOP on an urgent basis; we have specialist writers in that case too. We deliver the same within 24 hours’ maximum.

Before making the final submission, our writers edit and proofread the document twice for free. But if you ask for a change the third time, we will consider it as a new order. Our writers prepare a perfect SOP for College admission, inclusive of a professional touch which increases the chances of admission. The client base of SOP Help is huge and scattered all around the world because our prices are affordable. If you wish to enquire about anything, all you need to do is contact us through our website. Our experts will get in touch with you as soon as possible. With this, let’s delve deeper into the guidelines and formats of writing an SOP.

Tips and Guidelines for Statement of Purpose (SOP) for Luxury Brand Management

There are certain tips that you can follow up on if you are writing this document all by yourself. Firstly, your Statement of Purpose (SOP) for Luxury Brand Management should be free of errors. The content should be organic and not plagiarized. The professors are experts at catching copied content, so make it unique. Also, before you begin writing, make sure that you have done enough research about the university and good beforehand. The better you research; the better impression you will have on the readers. Lastly, keep a check on your grammar and use a formal tone while writing the SOP.

Every university/college has a set of guidelines and formats that a student is required to abide by while writing an SOP for Luxury Brand Management. These guidelines are issued by the university itself. As per the format, the SOP should be in the order of introduction, main content, and conclusion. The introduction should be short but unique. The word count should be somewhere around 800-100 words; the word count can sometimes vary as per the guidelines. Further, the main content should include everything related to your course, and the conclusion should be very short. If you need some help, you can contact us and take advantage of our SOP Writing Services.

Sample SOP for Luxury Brand Management

Not every student is aware of the way of writing an SOP. Before beginning with drafting the SOP, one must refer to some SOP Samples for Luxury Brand Management. Referring to a sample is a good idea because it gives a rough outline of how the document will look once it is completed. You can check the quality of the content and the order of the information too. As you know that there are other documents that require an attachment, too; you can jot down a list by scanning the Luxury Brand Management SOP sample.

Students reach out to us for help writing their SOPs. Our experts have some samples prepared specially for the students. Following the guidelines is also important, so the sample is also written accordingly. If you are doubtful about writing your SOP, a Sample SOP for Luxury Brand Management is attached below for your reference. You can see through it, and in case you find writing this document to be a difficult task, you don’t have to worry. Make sure to contact us through our website; our experts will get in touch with you and write a perfect SOP on your behalf.

SOP Sample for University Admission
MA in Luxury Brand Management- Birmingham City University, UK

Growing up, everybody has a vision to either be a novelist, researcher, space adventurer or be a piece of every other calling featured in our storybooks. For me, it was a dream to sit in a high-rise building overlooking the city and work with designs, numbers, patterns, and presentations. Running a luxury brand of my own, working with designers, models, and enthusiasts like myself is my long-conceived dream. While working with numerous luxury brand houses, I was able to realize my dream and get a better sense of my abilities and shortcomings, and as a whole, I was able to judge myself more precisely. Luxury is fashionable, and it can now be found in nearly every retail, manufacturing and service industry. It is now ubiquitous, but if everything is ‘luxury,’ isn’t the term itself meaningless? I believe luxury is as old as humanity, and defining a strict set of criteria for the effective management of any luxury brands and products requires a complete comprehension of the genuine notion. Although understanding how to run a luxury brand rationalizes the management of this new company concept based on the extremely innovative strategies used to turn modest family businesses into global brands such as Louis Vuitton, Cartier, Chanel, Bulgari, Gucci and Prada. I then planned to do a MA in Luxury Brand Management from Birmingham City University. The course explains how to adopt a luxury strategy within a business and provides clear guidelines for becoming – and staying – ‘luxury.’

My undergraduate curriculum inspired me to augment my practical knowledge through projects, seminars, research, and assignments. I have always been a bright student; my grades vouched for that. I took up the role and proved my mettle. My passion for business and fashion led me to pursue a Bachelors of Science Degree in Fashion and Apparel Design. I received an overall distinction, A+ throughout. The course laid a foundation of understanding about Concept Development (Illustration, collage, mood board), Design Board (Pattern, cutting, draping), Garment Construction and Stitching, Developing Computer-Aided Design skills, and Trend Forecasting. A blend of technology and business acumen could do wonders, I knew. So, I mastered myself in Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. My training exposed me to the most up-to-date fashion aesthetics beyond the traditional approach. It provided me with the opportunity to work at various shows and events, imparting me with valuable insights into the runway world. Before starting my undergraduate degree, I completed a diploma in fashion design, which focused on the commercial and managerial aspects of establishing a successful fashion firm.

At Bangalore Fashion Week, I debuted a Spring-Summer {Year} collection, partnered with numerous in-house fashion labels, and marketed their products via social media. The Best Delegate Award at MUN (Model United Nations) at {Location} was a proud stint for me. The extra-curricular activities I was indulged in gratified my sheer interest in business and leadership. It was on the list to gain managerial experience through what I possessed innately.

Working with several fashion labels enhanced my understanding about the value of front-end consumer connection, market prospects, and business ethics. I have worked on go-to-market strategy, customer engagement, product enhancement, and automation consulting. Apart from acquiring business intelligence and managerial skills, I also learned new technological tools. Performing my duties of a crucial managerial role in a fashion show, I learned about time management and multitasking. The question gets more amusing as I dwell over whether I want to be an anecdote in a small sphere or end up as a success story. I feel I hold two equally important globes of my passions, managing luxury brands, and fashion, in my palms that need to be brought together to build a meaningful world for myself. Since the luxury market is unlike any other, I wanted to learn and understand the essence of Luxury brand management. I believe an education that does not correctly address the international and multicultural realities of the modern business world is insufficient, given the importance of globalization in the management and development of enterprises. Therefore, I chose to fulfil my dream by learning the course from the United Kingdom.

The United Kingdom provides good exposure to cultural diversity and work practices worldwide, allowing students to develop a global perspective in management. Universities in the United Kingdom have active relationships with businesses across various industries, and many faculty members have extensive professional experience in their disciplines. They provide students with practical information and insights and assist them in securing appropriate internships and mentoring opportunities.

I found the course at your prestigious University well-tailored as per my prerequisites. All my goals and aspirations find a great shelter at your university to flourish. The University offers a balanced curriculum where Tech and business knowledge get delivered most effectively. The fact that it offers a range of electives is alluring. There is such a healthy chance to explore and learn new sub-areas. It provides a scope to be part of a pool of knowledge from worldwide. There is excellent exposure along with a possibility to learn from the best. I am excited to learn about the course’s Analysis and Planning for Management, International Strategic Planning for Luxury Brands, Marketing, and Project Management components, as well as the essential sociological and consumer behaviour theories taught. I’ll align my fundamentals learned through my studies and professional career.

Upon completing my master’s, I aim to contribute towards innovation and market penetration. I aspire to be an entrepreneur and build a sustainable and eco-friendly luxury brand. India has diverse cultures in every form of life, be it food, language, tradition, or even craftsmanship. I intend to provide our esteemed customers with extraordinarily opulent things made with high-quality craftsmanship and designed by artists and artisans from all around India.
I am looking forward to gaining knowledge and experience before I can put my foot forward in this magical promising industry.

With my inquisitiveness, individual enthusiasm to learn, and business plan, my goal is to be a useful contributor to the university’s programme. For me, the United Kingdom has always been a symbol of art and culture, a pioneer in talent and elegance. I believe in mutual progress and sharing platforms, as well as bringing my knowledge and understanding to the proper forums. My willingness to assist at this time will benefit the industry in the long run. I intend to be a proud University alumnus. Reviewing my merits, I earnestly request you to grant me the remarkable opportunity of pursuing my higher studies at your esteemed university.


On the end note, it can be stated that writing a statement of purpose can be a tricky task. So it is better if you gain some insight before beginning with the draft. Abiding by all the guidelines and writing as per the format given by the faculty is important. If you follow the tips mentioned above, you will be able to draft a good quality SOP for Brand Management by yourself. Take help from a sample and edit and proofread the document properly before making the final submission. Anyhow, in case you need professional help, you can search for SOP Writing Services India on google. It will redirect you to our website. We have a team of SOP writers who are perfect for writing the document on your behalf. So hurry up and get in touch with us.

Tips for Letter of Explanation After Canada Student Visa Refusal

Tips for Letter of Explanation After Canada Student Visa Refusal

Lakhs of students migrate to Canada every year; some get a visa while others get a refusal. The Letter of explanation is a document that is written after getting a visa refusal. This document is sent to the Canadian embassy requesting to grant a study visa for Canada. Students often face refusal from the visa authority because their visa SOP is either inappropriate or the students make some mistake in attaching the required documents. This is why a letter of explanation is written, the documents are re-submitted, and the mistakes are corrected by the applicant. It is simple to draft this document; all you need is the right way to do so. The visa authority expects your SOP to be accurate, and to do the needful; you must pay attention while writing this document. With this, let us see how a letter of explanation can be drafted.

Is writing a letter of explanation necessary in a refusal case?

Yes, it is important to write a letter of explanation if you want a visa to study in Canada. A statement of purpose is one of the most important documents in getting a visa to Canada. However, if you are a student who has got a visa refusal, there will be a reason behind it. You need to re-apply in this case which is why a Letter of Explanation (LOE) for Canada is required. To find out that reason, you need to go through your previous SOP first. Try to figure out where it all went wrong. After you are done with that, begin writing your Letter of explanation.

Tips for writing a letter for explanation

  1. Do not make your LOE too long; you are writing the document to the Canadian embassy, so make it look like a brief summary of everything.
  2. Keep a check on the word count. Try to abide by all the guidelines given by the visa authority. Make sure that your Letter of Explanation for Refusal is written in a consistent flow and is not dull.
  3. Your tone should be formal and keep your points clear and concise throughout the document. Be positive; it will put a good impression on the reader.
  4. You must be respectful while writing the LOE, and don’t use any slang or disrespectful words. Getting a Canada visa after refusal won’t be so difficult if you understand the way of conveying your message.
  5. Pay attention to your vocabulary; you need to avoid any kind of grammatical errors. If you have made such a mistake in your previous SOP, try to avoid it this time.
  6. Say a big no to plagiarism. The visa officers are experts in catching copied content, so avoid the same. Rather take help from professional LOE writers; they will ensure that your document is perfect.
  7. Figure out the mistakes from your previous SOP and fix them in your LOE. If there are any missing documents, re-attach them and mention everything about it clearly.
  8. While you answer some questions, complete the same within one single sentence. Don’t make the sentences too long.

Elements of a letter of explanation?

There is a proper format and guidelines that should be followed while writing a letter of explanation. The document should be in order, just like the statement of purpose. Your Letter of explanation for canada study permit after refusal should be included with relevant information, and try to fix the mistake the second time. The visa authority evaluates every single piece of information in the LOE, so make your intentions very clear. Make your tone formal, and make sure to make a checklist of other required documents too. You can refer to your previous SOP for Canada Visa too. With this, let us see how an LOE can be written.


Just like the statement of purpose, your LOE will also begin with an introduction. Introduce yourself, give a salutation, and then mention a little bit about your education. Your Letter Of Explanation After Refusal should be written in a better way. Write about your major field of study, your most recent educational qualification, your previous work experience (if you have any), and any other data that might be helpful for the officers. Other than this, mention your home country in brief. Your introduction should be appealing that will help you catch the reader’s attention. You can also refer to a Sample SOP for Canada refusal. In case you take professional help from SOP Help, we will provide you with a sample SOP that will help you get a rough idea about your final document.

The main body

The body of the LOE is the most important part of the document. You should express yourself in a clear way. Your LOE for canada should reflect the reasons behind choosing Canada for your further studies. Give reasons for why you chose the respective university/college, why you are interested in the particular program, and how you will obtain financial support. Make your intentions quite clear about returning to your home country once you are done with the course. You can write about your family ties in your home country. Include that you have some business plans that you will execute after returning to your homeland. Detail all this information in your SOP for Canada after refusal. The more you detail well, the better it will be for you to get visa approval.

As you know that there are some documents that require attachment along with the LOE, these documents could be proof of bank statements, proof of your personal assets, a copy of your SOP for college admission, a statement of tuition fees, or a statement of GIC payment. Make sure that you attach these along with your LOE for canada student visa refusal. There are times when students find writing an LOE a difficult task after they get a visa refusal. This is why help is available. You can reach out to us through our website if you need help with your LOE draft. We have a team of experienced LOE writers who are perfect for doing this job on your behalf.

Conclusion of LOE

After you are done with the main body, make sure to conclude your Letter of explanation. Give a short summary of everything and add some extra information, if required. Write that you are aware of immigration laws and make a request for granting a study visa permit. Explain a little bit about your short-term and long-term goals. After the conclusion, you are all set to make the final submission of the document.

End note

As a student, you would understand that this document holds utter importance if you wish to get a study visa permit for Canada. So make sure that you follow all the tips carefully and write the LOE in the order. In case you need help, we are here for you. All you have to do is contact us through our website, and we will get in touch with you as soon as possible.

LOE Sample for Canada Study Visa
Advanced 3D Animation & 3D Modelling Diploma

The Visa Officer
Canadian High Commission

Subject: Canadian Study VISA Permit Request
Respected Sir/Madame,
I deem it an honor to introduce myself as {Full Name}, barring {Passport Number}, an aspiring candidate from India. I am writing this application to request the Government of Canada, to grant me a student visa upon my interest to pursue higher studies in the country. It gives me immense pleasure to inform you that I have already received an acceptance letter for pursuing Advanced 3D Animation & 3D
Modelling Diploma from the esteemed Bow Valley College, Canada. With a heavy heart, I shall also inform that my application was previously rejected on some significant grounds and hence, this is a re-attempt of justify my intent to visit Canada, which is solely for academic purpose. I shall further endorse this application to submit an outline of my academic background, abilities, interests, and future, thereby proving myself as a prosperous candidate for extensive Canadian education and the course I am opting for.

Refusal reason 1: Your proposed studies are not reasonable in light of: your qualifications, previous studies, mark sheets, academic record, and level of establishment, language abilities, and/or your future prospects and plans.
Academic Background and how it inspired me to be a part of technological industry Education has always been a matter of vital significance in my life. I have always appreciated the beauty in science and logic and have found my way to embrace the same in terms of academics. Taking the right decision to complement my analytical mind since high school, I had opted Physics, chemistry, and Mathematics as my primary subjects, which helped me develop a sharp mind.
During my high-school, when my peers were probably enjoying the teenage, I was on a quest to find a career that interests me the most. As a result, I was often fascinated with the technical workshops conducted in my school to encourage the youth about the possibilities of digitalization in the modern world. I had never missed even one of it; little did I know that it was preparing me for a passionate career. By the time, I passed my high-school with an aggregate of {Percentage} in {Year}, I was sure to proceed ahead in the computational field. Having an analytical background already, it wasn’t very difficult for me to grasp the concepts. Hence, in {Year}, I joined {Institute} and was astonished with the learning of the subject.

Professional learning and its relevancy to my chosen course

As a person determined towards continuous growth, it was never possible for me to limit myself within concepts offered by the textbook. I have always been on a lookout to strengthen my textual fundamentals by the right practical application of the same. With the same focus and vision, I started working as a freelancer for clients such as {Namely}. I basically took the contract based projects to design their logos, brochure, flyers, and other 2d designs. Working practically introduced me to a host of new possibilities and arenas of the industry, out of which 3D Animation and 3D Modeling caught most of my attention. Working and learning the concepts of this field made me feel that I am able to enjoy my work and am fascinated with each and every new prospect, I thrived to explore more. That very moment, I knew that if given a chance to gain knowledge in this field, I can fabricate colossal developments in the same. Hence, I made up my mind for higher studies. Moreover, this course is totally related to my background as I already have great knowledge on creating 2d designs and have worked professionally too for the same. Hence, this course shall provide an extra edge to my overall skillset.

Reasons for choosing Canada

Boosting an Oscar-winning alumni accompanied by the most sprawling animation festival in the world, Canada becomes a perfect destination of academics for an animation enthusiastic like me. The Canadian education of animation and 3D modeling can be broadly categorized in its world-famous infrastructure, out-of-the box mentorship, and updated prospects provided to the students. Since decades, the animations colleges of Canada have been most praised across the world and the graduates are considered for the top positions, particularly in my home country, India – which is still in the developing stage of achieving high-technology. From Norman McLaren to Chris Landreth, this country is well-known for housing some animation pioneers and I expect to learn all that it has to offer. I understand that a course with similar curriculum may be available in my home country; however, as I go in depth to research about the teaching methods and high-functional labs, I am not convinced with the prospects of India. I aspire to have the best fundamental foundation for a fruitful future and I am blessed to have a supporting family and adequate financials to arrange the same.

Reasons for choosing Bow Valley College

Bow Valley College carries its prestige as a respected institution with an affinity to cultivate innovative thinkers and leaders. It provides a course that focuses on the learning of 3D animation, rigging, and 3D modeling, sculpting, texturing, and surfacing. Unlike all the other institutions, it will also give me an exposure imbibes the fundamentals of storytelling through acting and visual composition, look development, and basics of compositing. Getting a chance to gain 360 degree knowledge in production, art, observation, critical review, and soft skills will enable me to prototype my own compositions and shots from the concepts through to completion. Being a part of the diverse student body and
working with intellectual minds will truly determine my growth in the field.

Language Proficiency

So far, I have completed my entire education in English medium, which clearly demonstrates my proficiency in the required language. To further demonstrate the same, I have fulfilled the criteria of IELTS exam and secured an overall score of {Points} bands.
The purpose of your visit to Canada is not consistent with a temporary stay given the details you have provided in your application.
With due honor, I would like to make It evident that my sole purpose of visiting Canada is to gain the knowledge I strive for and I shall definitely return within the stipulated time period. As a learned citizen of India, I understand the immigration rules and regulations imposed upon and assure to abide by the same. The primary reasons that assure my return are explained below

Reasons to return to India

Future prospects in India: The animation industry which was once dominated by the Western countries has now found a new hub in the developing India. It is one of the fastest growing career options in India. With a growing demand of film, television, entertainment, and advertising industry, an insatiable need for animations and special effects to allure the viewers has increased, which is directly proportional to the demand of more and more skilled animators in the country, thereby making it a lucrative career option. As per the recent survey reports, the animation industry employs more than 30,000 professionals every year; offering a minimum salary of 12 lakh per annum. After seeking my Diploma from Canada, I shall be considered amongst the top candidates, thereby securing the role of Animator in top companies such as {Namely}. The salary offered shall also provide a commendable return on my educational investment and I shall be able to prosper my career alongside my family in India. Hence, my decision to return is quite evident as having a career away from family is not an option for me.
Family ties in India: Being the eldest child in the family, I have always been loved and supported by my parents. My parents are soon reaching their elderly age, when they shall expect the eldest son of the family to be by their side for emotional support. As a responsible son, it is my filial obligation to take care of my parents, while my younger brother has recently completed his high-school. He also looks upon me as his ideal and often expects me to help him in taking the right decisions in life. I not only understand my duty to guide him as an elder brother but also wish to set a good example for him with my professional success in India. Hence, my devotion to family assures my return to India.
Family assets in India: As the eldest son of the same, I shall be the primary heir of all the family property. While my brother is young and my parents are reaching their old age, a regular attention for the safety and security of the assets shall in future require my presence in India. Hence, I shall definitely return within the stipulated time period.

Financial Planning

Sponsors: I belong to a well-settled family in India. My father {Name} is working as a {Designation}. He has agreed to fully support me in my decision by funding my education and living expenses in Canada. College fee and GIC payment details: To ensure a proper financial planning, I have already paid my complete tuition fees of {Amount} and have also purchased a GIC of {Amount} to cover my living expenses in Canada. Additionally, I have enough savings to take care of other travel and miscellaneous expenses.
Level of establishment in India:

  1. My father’s ITR Report is attached to ensure a regular flow of income in the family.
  2. Savings deposit of INR _______ = ______ CAD under my father’s name in ___ bank.
  3. A fixed deposit of INR _________= ________ CAD under my name in ______ bank.
  4. Immoveable Asset: Residential property worth INR __________ on my father’s name in {State}, India
  5. Commercial Land worth INR _____ on my father’s name in {State}, India

(Follow the same pattern for more, remove whatever is not applicable)
Please note all relevant documents endorsing the integrity of financial claims made by me are enclosed herewith for your kind perusal.


I take complete responsibility for all the above information and assure you that the provided information is in the best of my interest. I believe that my hold on the prior knowledge and aptitude required for the course makes me eligible for the visa grant. I hope that you consider my application for further procedures and help me in attaining my goals.
{Full Name}

Letter Of Explanation Sample For Canada- Supply Chain Management

Letter Of Explanation Sample For Canada- Supply Chain Management

The consequences of a result are more concerning than the result itself. After you receive a refusal on your SOP, getting rid of the immediate stress that occurs to you is challenging. You are in the same boat if you have experienced the same. Thousands of ambitious students apply for supply chain management courses, and Canada is their first choice. The embassy receives numberless student visa applications. Unfortunately, not all get accepted, which leaves the aspirants to try once more through a letter of explanation.

Have you ever thought how precious a Letter of Explanation can be as your precious second chance? Yes, you know, but perhaps you don’t know much about its technicalities. How about taking a deep dive into the concept and role of LOE for Canada in Supply Chain Management? You can exploit the knowledge below to use a letter of explanation to make another effort for your dreams.

What is a letter of explanation?

A letter of explanation is a supporting document attached to your student visa application in case of rejection on the first visa request. It is a formal document like a statement of purpose but with a different purpose. It provides supporting factors to justify why the previous rejection decision was incorrect. With justification to avoid rejection, a student requests to reconsider student visa approval. However, it is a formal document with some guidelines; thus, several students prefer to get a hint through a Letter of Explanation Sample for Canada. You can find free online samples for this purpose and can shape your hope again.

How to write an impressive letter of explanation (LOE) After a Refusal for Canada?

When preparing formal documents, the most impressive factor will be your sincerity in sticking to the guidelines. Following the embassy rules is your first step toward approval of the letter of explanation for Canada study permit. Just like an SOP, a letter of explanation has a format and several writing guidelines. You can also call it a refusal SOP.

Introduce yourself briefly

It starts with your name and once your name and the purpose for LOE. Mention the reasons for rejection. Clarify that you believe the grounds of rejection were incorrect and you want a reconsideration for visa approval.

Mention the course and university name

Your letter of explanation (LOE) after refusal for Canada is more crucial than an SOP; it gives you a second chance. Mention the name of your course, such as supply chain management, and the university’s name. Also, describe the reasons for choosing a course and the educational institutions. Supply chain management is a promising stream with multiple job options like logistics manager, purchasing agent, operations manager, and many more. Explain the significance of the course for your career and the good factors about the university.

Academic and professional record

For students, educational background details are necessary. Mention them briefly but do not skip any essential information. But adding your industry experience is always a plus point if you are a working professional. If there was any hardship in your career or academic life, try to downplay it. If you can’t do that, hire professional SOP Writing Services, the experts know how to make it happen. It is your second chance, do not waste it. Do not solve your uncertainties with any experiments in LOE writing.

Authenticate your factors to prefer Canada for supply chain management

Strong factors work behind your preferences for a country. You need to explain all those reasons most rationally. It strengthens the performance of your letter of explanation (LOE) after refusal in the embassy office. Give reasons that are believable and not pleasing. Mention the geographical factors, list the reasons to love a country’s culture, and appreciate the high-quality education.

Role of visa acceptance on your future goals

Visa refusal was painful for you and reminded you of the direct impact on your dreams of a brighter future. Take out the deepest portion of your intent to express how necessary is the visa approval for you. Describe how it can help craft your career in the supply chain management sector. Keep reminding the visa officers of the significance of the country for higher studies. Don’t forget a letter of explanation (LOE) for Canada is not only for a course. It also attains permission to enter a country.

Ties to your country

This section first explains your ties with your family, especially your parents, and siblings. The embassy officers need to ensure that after completing the course, you have plans to return to your native country. You should sound deeply connected to your family. Professional ties are also important to mention. They can be about your plans to work in big companies in your country. You may even have business plans pending to be implemented in the native country. It makes your letter of explanation After refusal more impressive. Most important is to prove your intent.

Financial aid

This section is specifically helpful if your refusal was due to financial reasons. Mention every detail you need to prove that you are financially stable. Name the person sponsoring your education, the source of money, and the value of movable and immovable assets, and write everything. Inform about timely deposit of tuition fee and GIC certificate. Sometimes students think if they get a job while studying in Canada, it will help prove their financial part. Never mention it in your document. LOE is the best tool to use your Sop for Canada Visa After Refusal to attain approval. Don’t spoil it with silly mistakes.

How does a Letter of Explanation Sample for a Canada Visa help you write a perfect document?

Many students who want to attempt writing their letter of explanation without any external help need guidance through a sample. For this purpose, they want to refer to a letter of Explanation Sample for Canada Visa. Do you also want to get one? You can obtain it online quickly and free of cost. SOP Help, an SOP writing service provider, provides free-of-cost samples for SOP letters and LOE documents.

You can attain multiple benefits from a letter of explanation –

  •  A sample of LOE is an exact imitation of an actual copy. It means you can understand the nook and cranny of technicalities of LOE writing.
  • Reading a sample gives you an insight into the mistakes you made while writing the statement of purpose on the first chance.
  • Maintain the right tone while writing a letter of explanation for refusing to relate the details across the document.
  • It explains the aspects on which your SOP was judged wrongly and gives a chance to demand reconsideration.

LETTER OF EXPLANATION (LOE) Sample for Canada Study Visa
Supply Chain Management Post

The High Commission of Canada,

Subject: Request to reconsider my Study Visa application for Canada
Dear High Commissioner,
I, {Country}, feel grateful to receive another chance to showcase my overall persona for your kind evaluation. I am writing this in response to the refusal letter that I got against my previous visa application {UCI No.} {Application No.}. Having acquired an inquisitive bent of mind toward the field of Supply Chain Management, I decided to gain an international learning approach in the same. I even sought admission to Cape Breton University in Canada from where I received the Letter of Acceptance as well to study Post-Baccalaureate Diploma in Supply Chain Management program. However, my previous attempt to get a Study Visa for Canada got refused due to the following reason:
Refusal Ground – “The purpose of your visit to Canada is not consistent with a temporary stay given the details you have provided in your application.”
Now, I will make sure that I provide justification for the aforementioned ground on which my visa got rejected in the best manner possible. I hope that this time around, my visa application will be considered in a good light and I will get my requisite Canada Study Visa which will further allow me to begin my respective study program at the university circles.


Familial ties

  • My primary tie to my home country is my beloved family with whom I am very close. In my family, I have my husband, father, mother, brother, sister-in-law, two nieces, father-in-law, mother-in-law, and brother-in-law and his wife and their children.
  • My husband is in the {Profession} along with my father-in-law and brother-in-law whereas my mother-in-law is a {Profession}. On the other hand, my father is a {Profession}, my mother is a {Profession}, and my brother is a {Profession} in {Country} while his wife is an {Profession}.
  • I love my husband very much and we share a very strong bond. We are physically and emotionally dependent on each other and cannot bear the pain of living apart for very long. As he has the responsibility of taking care of his business and properties, he also cannot join me in Canada. Thus, I have to get back to India post completing my education in Canada as soon as possible to reunite with my husband.
  • My father is diagnosed with { Disease} and his treatment is ongoing. I can’t leave my father in such a condition of his and want to be close to him as much as possible as I love him very much.
  • My parents and parents-in-law are old and need constant care which I wish to provide for them as their daughter and daughter-in-law respectively. I want to be there for them to give them not just physical support but emotional support as well. If need be, I am willing to offer financial help as well.
  • Both my families have supported me immensely and are looking forward to seeing me succeed in my career. Hence, with such a loving and caring family by my side, I do not want to live away from them forever and would like to spend the rest of my life alongside them. This is why I am keen on returning to India after finishing my studies in Canada.

Professional ties

  • India is growing at a fast pace and has managed to prove its worth to the world by being the fifth-biggest economy in the world. India has huge potential of making the life of a professional fulfilling as the work culture of the country has solidified.
  • There are many multinational companies that are well-established in India and offer great work opportunities to the people. Along with an attractive salary, they also provide additional perks that make an employee feel satisfied and happy in their workplace.
  • With such a working environment available in India along with a plethora of job prospects, I do not have the urge of working outside India at all. If I am getting all the work-related benefits in India, why would I live away from my husband and the whole family in another country all alone?
  • In the long run, I not just plan on becoming a highly-experienced Consultant for the company I will be working for, but I also want to set up my own consulting business in India. To start the same, I have to be in India in any case.


My parents and I are endorsing my education and accommodation costs in Canada. My parents have enough funds in their bank account to back my finances when I am studying in Canada. I too have sufficient funds in my bank account through which I have already paid the GIC amount of {Amount}. I have numerous Fixed Deposits as well which have a total of about {Amount}. The tuition fee of {Amount} is paid by my parents who have a net worth of {amount}. All the relevant financial documents that are proof of my and my parents’ capability to finance my expenses in Canada are enclosed herewith for your kind perusal.


I have had a fruitful academic experience as it peppered me with valuable learnings and skills so far. I did my Bachelor of {program name} from {College}, with {Score} in {Year}. Afterward, I attained a Post Graduate Diploma in {Course} and {Course}, with {score} in {Year}. Then, my inclination toward the Management field led me to study Master’s in Business Administration with a specialization in Human Resources Management which I passed with {Score} in {Year} from {College}.
To acquire first-hand experience, I stepped into the work setting of {Profession}. I worked here for over {Time} after which I shifted my professional base to {Company} where I joined as a {Designation}. After a while, I got promoted to the {Profile}, and ever since I have been working in the same job role.


While I was pursuing my MBA, I got exposed to the subject of Production and Operations Management which is basically a minute section of the vast Supply Chain Management field. In the said subject, I got introduced to the topics like Product Design and Selection, Operation Management, Production Planning and Control, Process Selection, Purchasing Management, and Inventory Management to name a few. Collectively, all of these topics budded in me a huge interest in the domain of Supply Chain Management and that is how I decided to acquire professional exposure in the same as this very field is exactly where my heart truly lies. My current work duties align perfectly with the program that I have chosen to study at Cape Breton University as I oversee everything beginning from the arrangement of raw materials to the dispatchment of the product. In totality, I have {Time} of work experience in the Production Planning and Inventory Control department and {Time} of experience before that in the Planning and Purchase department. Now, I want to climb the ladder of success and due to not having a formal educational certificate in Supply Chain Management, I am finding it difficult to get leading job roles. This is why I have cemented my decision of acquiring a global learning perspective in my domain of interest and have chosen Cape Breton University for the same where I will pursue the Post-Baccalaureate Diploma in Supply Chain Management program.
I am confident that from my selected course of study, I will get into the depths of supply chain management. I will get to learn how to find out potential markets while developing alternate collaborators to attain sustainable competitive benefits and understand extensively the various IT tools to effectively coordinate the activities of supply chain stakeholders. I will also become well aware of the market dynamics, cost accounting, problem-solving and troubleshooting, global/cross-cultural issues, legal implications, and business law and commercial contracts. Apart from that, I will also get to understand the numerous risks in global sourcing like cultural differences, currency rate volatility, and financial and political risks. I will be able to acquire all these knowledge and skills by being acquainted with noteworthy courses in my chosen program. Some of these courses are Supply Chain Management, Mathematics for Business, Computers in Business, Calculus for Business, Quantitative Methods, Procurement and Supply Management, Logistics & Transportation, Business Analytics Fundamentals, Data Visualization, Global Sourcing, Operations Management, Statistics for Business Analytics, and Information Systems for Management.


I have chosen Cape Breton as my ultimate study institute in Canada because it is regarded as one of the top places where an international student like me wishes to study. To be specific, Cape Breton University is a public university and has a university rank of 68 all over Canada. The overall learning infrastructure of the institute is superlative and the faculty members are also highly-experienced in their respective areas of study. The university offers a unique syllabus that consists of managing resources, accounts, and information as they pass from manufacturer to consumer. Studying at this university will also provide me with the opportunity to acquire first-hand experience with the help of internships and projects. This will not just expand my pool of knowledge but also help me incur worthwhile practical skills. The facilities provided at the university are excellent, especially the student service team that ensures that every student’s doubts are cleared and all of them are heard without any partiality. Even the tuition fee of Cape Breton is low compared to the other universities in Canada.


Canada is amongst the most desired places for higher studies all over the world. To put it simply, Canada is the third most preferred country for students hailing from every corner of the globe. The institutes of Canada are top-notch, some of them also being ranked at the top. The tuition fee and living costs in Canada are quite affordable when compared with equally renowned countries like the UK, the USA, Australia, and many more. The universities of Canada offer exceptional quality education as the education system of Canada is outstanding. The learning facility includes state-of-the-art tools and study materials that help the students gain the latest information. As the accommodation rates are also low, it gets easy for international students to live in the country without worrying about their financial expenses much. In addition to that, the multicultural atmosphere of Canada makes the country a great place to live in as people here can study or live peacefully with no stress of facing any kind of racial discrimination. This makes the overall ambiance of the universities and the country safe and sound. Coming to the Indian institutes, they mostly concentrate on offering theory-based learning which is not what I seek. I am yearning for abundant field exposure in my domain of interest which I am certain I can get in the best manner only in Canada. Moreover, with an internationally-recognized diploma under my belt, I will get plenty of better job opportunities in India with a handsome salary as well.


Post winding up my studies at Cape Breton University, I will get back to my home country, { country}, carrying along with me all the learnings that I incurred during my study time in Canada. I will then get myself a good job at a reputed firm that pays me well. I wish to be a key contributor to the growth of the company that I will work for. Over the long haul, I reckon on becoming a highly-skilled Consultant for well-known companies in India. At the same time, I will also commence my own consulting firm in {country} and work on taking it to the pinnacle of success.


I have a good understanding of the English language as my previous mode of instruction was English only. To provide testimony of my English proficiency, I have attached with this application the results of my IELTS exam. Here, I secured an overall band score of {Point} in which I got {Point} bands in Listening, {Point} bands in Reading, {Point} bands in Writing, and {Point} bands in Speaking.


I, hereby, declare that I have very well knowledge of the immigration laws of Canada and am adamant about abiding by all of them until I make a return to India. On a final note, I wholeheartedly request you view my visa application positively this time and grant me approval for my much-needed Study Visa for Canada. This will not only help me commence my studies in the vicinity of the university but also will help me become eligible enough to take my career to greater heights in the future.


You may have many insecurities after the first refusal, but do not let them compromise your confidence. You should know that this is happening to millions of students every year. Most of them get approval for a second chance. Your letter of explanation will undoubtedly bring good news. Just focus on the factors that ensure a high approval ratio of the document. However, hiring Professional SOP Writing Services is also advisable if you want to be confident about approval. Last but not least, document preparation under the embassy’s guidelines is always the best idea to get fast approval for your student visa. All the best for your efforts and a future as bright as a star.

List of Top 5 Professional Sop Writing Services in Delhi

List of Top 5 Professional Sop Writing Services in Delhi

Studying in a foreign university is a dream for everyone. There are students who wish to pursue their graduation from a well-reputed university across the world, whereas some prefer doing their master’s from a foreign university. Although, there is not much difference in both of the programs with regard to the admission procedure. The students have to go through a complete process to get a seat in their dream university. 

Even after that, they have to acquire a study visa which is a difficult procedure as well. The candidates have to present an application to the authorities to brief them about their background and the course they have applied for. This application is widely known as a Statement of Purpose. It is one of the most important documents in the entire application, and hence, it is critical to create it with the utmost attention.

What Is A Statement Of Purpose?

A statement of purpose is a document written by the candidate to the authorities of the respected countries they are applying. This document not only contains a brief description of the candidate but a lot of important info as well. There are many Professional Sop writers in Delhi who create these applications on behalf of the candidate. An SOP must consist of the family background of the candidate. The financial condition, academic history, and reason for studying in a foreign country are all included in this application. 

The authorities focus on this document to summarize the candidate and then make the decision. Even small errors can be enough for the screening authorities to reject an application. Hence, it is crucial to ace this part of the admission procedure. As the students are not well-experienced in curating this document, they prefer getting help from SOP writing services. These service providers can really make a huge difference in your application through their experience and skillful writing.

SOP Writing Services

Now, you must be curious to know why you should even reach out to a professional for your application. Well, let us explain to you how SOP Writing Services online can be so useful for you. Suppose you have to write an application for the authorities regarding a study permit. How do you think you will start this application. What matter should be included in the application, and what shouldn’t? All these things are very crucial as the authorities are continuously screening your writing abilities. 

This is where the Professional SOP writing services in Delhi can help you out. With years of experience in writing compelling and engaging write-ups, these professionals are very well equipped with all the matters that must be present in your application. All you need to do is provide them with all the information about you and leave the rest up to them. These professionals will curate the most suitable SOP for you and even edit it as per your need.

How To Find The Best SOP Writing Services

So, you have decided to hire a professional to make your Statement of purpose but wait a second. Do you know who will be the most suitable writer for you? At the present time, there is a lot of need for a professional SOP writer, and with the higher demand, there has been a tremendous supply as well. There are tons of SOP writing services present on the internet. How do you find out the best one for you?

Firstly, you must analyze the company profile. What services do they offer? What is their delivery time? Do they offer any follow-ups on their services? Do they have positive testimonials? These are some of the questions that you must answer if you are looking for a professional SOP writer. Either you do all this or keep reading this blog to find out the best Visa Sop writing services around you. Let us dive into the main topic and list the best SOP services in the country.

Top 5 Professional SOP Writing Services

Before starting this list, you must understand that we have closely monitored all of the following companies, and we have ranked them on the basis of certain criteria. These companies have established themselves as the best in the business, and all of them have a rich experience in the field of SOP Writing. Let’s start the list and rank these service providers

  1. SopHelp
  2. Canada SOP
  3. Professional Writing Services (PWS)
  4. Write Right
  5. The Campus Trail


1.    SopHelp

SopHelp comes at number one on our list. This company has been in the SOP writing business for the last ten years. Starting with the purpose of assisting students in their admission procedure, this SOP writing service in Delhi is known as the pinnacle of this industry. The team consists of a line of expert writers who have years of experience in aiming the SOPs for their clients.

The testimonials of the company are the best among all the other service providers in the country. Apart from SOP writing, SopHelp also provides its services in the field of Academic writing, letters of explanation, Justification letters, and much more. Due to all such positive aspects, this company stands as the Best Sop writing services in Delhi.

2.  Canada SOP

The number two company on our list is Canada SOP. Delivering its services throughout the country, Canada SOP has been in this business for a long time. The USP of the company is to provide high-quality SOPs and various other services to their clients in the shortest time. The team is managed by talented individuals who themselves are skillful writers.

What makes them stand out from the crowd is their innovative and engaging content style. The write-ups created by the team of Canada SOP are mostly shortlisted by the authorities giving them the tag of one of the best Professional SOP writing services in Delhi. If you think that you need assistance with your application, then you can definitely reach out to the team of Canada SOP.

3. Professional Writing Services (PWS)

Coming at number three on the list, Professional Writing Services(PWS) is a big name in the SOP writing business. All those who have been following this niche for a long time are very well aware of this company. Apart from providing SOP services, PWS is also a pioneer in delivering excellent Academic Writing, Blogging, Copywriting, and much more.

There have been many testimonials by the users of this company who have always complimented them for their work. A team full of talented writers, editors, and managers makes this company highly successful. If you want your business to be upscale through writing, then we would highly recommend you the services of this company.

4.  Write Right

If you are unaware of Write Right being in the content writing industry, then your research needs a lot of improvement. This company cemented its name in the content writing industry long ago. The writers of Write Right are among the most popular Professional Sop writers in Delhi. The team of Write Right has always been at the top whenever they provide their services to their clients.

Providing services in Content writing, SOP writing, Ghostwriting, Academic writing, Technical Writing, and much more, Write Right delivers a plethora of services to its users. The team is also very professional, and as a result, its services are always liked by the customers. Contact them asap for your needs. You will not regret this decision.

5.  The Campus Trail

Ending the list of the top SOP writing services in Delhi, The Campus Trail is among the most dynamic writing services in the country. Started by a young mind, TheCampusTrail is continuously growing with its wide range of services to the people of the country and abroad with the support of their skilled Sop writers in Delhi. All you must do is brief them about your requirements, and the rest will be done by the team.

The company finds its name among the most successful writing agencies in the country. Delivering enormous SOPs that were shortlisted in the past, CampusTrail thrives each day to make its content game stronger. If you search for the most popular Sop Writing Services near me, you will surely come across TheCampusTrail. You can definitely check them out for your writing purposes.



With this, we conclude our list of the best SOP writing services in Delhi. You can check any one of them if you are looking for idle SOP writing services in Delhi. We would also recommend that you should never stop your research for a particular company. Always keep your options open and choose any of the Sop writers in Delhi after proper analysis and research. So, what is stopping you now? Contact these service providers and get one step closer to your dream of studying abroad.


Simple Hacks To Speed Up Your Word Press

Simple Hacks To Speed Up Your Word Press

A sluggish website is painful to watch, less engaging to the visitors, and also hurts the search ranking. In this competitive modern era, a vast number of businesses have taken the route to the venerable WordPress, so the loading speed of WordPress is a critical factor for businesses to succeed. Without prevaricating, a slow WordPress site can be injurious to your business’s health. Thus, it is important to ensure a lightning-fast website that is dually SEO, gathers user’s engagement alongside previous page views. If you are looking for immediate results, then hire SEO Services in Delhi.

Here are the 10 tricks to help you to check the WordPress Performance Test and also improve your website speed:

  1. Do the well-researched hosting plan

    hosting planImage Credit – theitstuff

    Do not opt for shared hosting plans; they will bow down your website’s speed. There are several hosting plans you can choose from. So choose wisely!

  2. Lessen your HTTP request

    Lessen your HTTP requestImage Credit – webnots

    As your site grows, HTTP request also extends at vast a scale. Then you need to bring them down to increase the loading time. There are lots of ways to perform this; you can do the WordPress Speed Test and lazy loading plug-in, optimize GIFs, etc.

  3. Optimize the images

    Lessen your HTTP requestImage Credit – keycdn

    The most common novice mistake is to not to take care of images because pictures are mainly responsible for blogging down a website. You can use plugins, software or websites which allow free compression of jpeg, png and the entire image formats.

  4. WP caching Plugin

    WP caching PluginImage Credit – athemes

    WP caching plugins will provide you load static versions of your posts which will help in loading the website faster into the browser, thus reducing the downloading time.

  5. Choosing the theme

    Choosing the themeImage Credit – freegoogleslidestemplates

    There are so many colorful themes out there and choosing the best one can really enhance the speed of your website.

  6. Clear all trash posts

    Clear all trash postsImage Credit – my.wirenine

    Tons of trash post can slow down the speed. Make sure that you clear all the trash every week and not let it bog down on your page. Professional will guide you properly to rank your website so it is important to learn the Digital Marketing Course for beginners.

  7. Go with the Gzip Compressions

    Go with the Gzip CompressionsImage Credit – kinsta

    It is the most efficient way to speed up your website by saving bandwidth. This may be a little technical but if you know how to code, then it will be beneficial for your website. Go ahead with the tutorial to learn properly.

  8. Use CDN

    Use CDNImage Credit – technodoze

    It is referred as a content delivery network which basically distributes your content across multiple locations so that when it is opened by someone, they can quickly download your website.

In conclusion

We have listed some pointers to unleash the potential speed of your website. If you need any professional help, then consult the Top SEO Company in Delhi and improve your WordPress website’s loading speed.

SEO ranking factors that work effectively

SEO ranking factors that work effectively

Google is not known to spill the beans on how some businesses highly rank than the others in search engine results. However, paying close attention to what your visitors want from you and keeping track on Google Ranking Algorithm is all you need to do. The first step towards SEO can be scary, but if you start implementing the small changes to your SEO strategy, you will gradually lead towards success. In case you need any help, go for the best SEO services in Delhi.

Now, read on to discover the Google Ranking Factors 2018 which will definitely improve your site’s ranking.

  1. Focus on your Content

    Focus on your ContentImage Credit – marketingland

    Content is one of the most important tools for an enhanced SEO ranking, but in recent years we have seen a vast shift from quality content to keyword focused content. That is the reason why people are not getting the desired results. Repetitive content looks dull and copied content will let you penalized. So, writing high-quality, well-written, well-researched content is the modern approach for SEO.

  2. Do not forget to give Page titles

    give Page titlesImage Credit – digestwebdesign

    When SEO teams forget to give page titles that can take a toll on your rankings, posing a negative picture of your website. And the pages with substandard content with long-tail keywords are ranked quite well, because they have titles to their pages. Ring a bell?

  3. Optimized for local searches

    local searchesImage Credit – inspirationfeed

    With the advent of Pigeon, site owners have learnt to focus on local searches. With over 80% of local searches, immediate purchase decision has been enhanced on a vast scale.

  4. Design your page layout and reinforce your navigation structure

    Design your page layoutImage Credit – websitebuilderexpert

    If you think that the designs and outlook of your website are not that important, then you are getting it all wrong. Get your design and development team involved with search optimization. Your webpage must be responsive and built with UI/UX to keep the things organized.

  5. Quality backlinks

    Quality backlinksImage Credit – expert-seo-training-institute

    For those who have not done this yet, it’s time to educate yourself about the importance of backlinks. The link profile cleanup is the building of your quality backlinks which results in the stronger network of knowledge.

  6. Social Media

    Social MediaImage Credit – forbes

    We can’t deny the fact that each social channel has its own filter algorithm which lifts great content on the top. So sharing different channels of social media can be beneficial for your content and thus, your website. And if the content is getting clicks, views, and shares, then there is a circle influence happening for sure.

  7. Eliminate the thin content from your site

    EliminateImage Credit – thebluediamondgallery

    If you have the thin content on your webpage, then start rewriting it or remove it. Provide the well-informatory and unique content to your regular customer and learn the complete guide to double your search traffic via impeccable SEO tips.

In conclusion

In a complicated and competitive field, you need to have a good hold on a variety of detailed subjects. And with these pointers, you are going to rank well in 2018 for sure. Google makes a steady push to rich content, quality links, and a good mobile experience, so you must utilize it. Also, Google’s Pigeon Update makes a great impact on local search. If you are still confused with the things, then hire the Best SEO Services in Delhi.

Implement SEO checklist before launching a new site

Implement SEO checklist before launching a new site

You have a great business idea; you register your domain and start selecting the designs to make it look appealing. But the question is, how can you be so sure that Google and other search engines discover your site’s rank? Design would surely attract masses and make headlines with its appearance, but when it comes to ranking on the search result pages and driving real traffic and sales, SEO must be the top priority for all marketers in the sea of competition. It is best, if done by professionals and for that hire the top SEO Services in Delhi.

This blog will give a foolproof method of SEO Tips for New Website to get your website launched on the front foot. So let’s get started.

  1. Loading speed of website

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    Website speed is one of the most crucial tools to achieve success in the online market space. Speed is one thing which can cause the flood on your website or your position by increasing the bounce rate to your website.

  2. Make it mobile-friendly

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    Since the day Google has announced officially to consider mobile-friendly sites, most of the site owners have started to switch to that very method. Improve the mobile site design of your website so that it is easily accessible to the buyers who are checking your services.

  3. Quality content

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    Rightly said, content is the real king. If you are working on your website single-handedly, create a quality and relevant content in bulk before the launch and then post it on a regular basis.

  4. On page SEO

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    If you are launching a new website, then don’t wait for any professional to do the SEO for you. Do some research over the internet related to keywords, title, tags, and other tricks to optimize your page and learn the complete guide to effective SEO tactics for understanding it better.

  5. Use long tail keywords

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    Utilizing the long-tail keyword can bring ample amount of search results over SERP. Long-tail keywords direct the customer to the landing page.

  6. Use Google Analytical tool

    Use Google Analytical tool

    If your site is showing any error or isn’t able to work properly, then Google analytical tools will help you to fix this error.

  7. XML Sitemap

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    XML Sitemap links the entire URL of the web pages at a single place so that search engines can easily crawl and link to your site as well.

Wrapping up

Once everything is in place and you have done what you could by implementing the SEO Checklist 2018, you will be just fine. Even if you don’t get immediate success, keep building your practices as this process takes time. Keep creating content and improve SEO to build your online brand, and you sill surely get the desired results. As a beginner, you can go for a professional digital agency. In order to do that, search the TOP SEO Company in Delhi NCR.

6 e-commerce tactics that are changing the game for local business

6 e-commerce tactics that are changing the game for local business

Selling products online has become the most selective and lucrative idea for businesses. And sometimes it seems like the ship has already sailed on a much-crowded e-commerce space; especially for small business, as it is their beginning stage of rushing at the largest ship which often faces the major shift in consumer behavior of all time. Moreover, your website’s home page, product pages and product categories are the most visited places, so designing a high-performing website is the key feature because if they don’t find something they are searching for, they will buy it from another place. In case you need any professional help to improve your search engines, look up to the best SEO Services in Delhi.

By studying the rising market trend, we have come up with 6 smart ecommerce marketing ideas to promote local businesses:

  1. Come up with an attractive deal

    Come up with an attractive dealImage Credit –

    If your offline store offers a different deal than your online website, then it will look irrelevant and can also upset your potential customers. Before spending a heavy amount on your online and offline store, prepare some attractive sales strategies.

  2. Update your online store

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    Keep introducing changes in your product based pages if you want to increase the engagement of the customers. If you have brought some fresh stock to your offline store, then make sure that it must be updated on your site as well.

  3. Be flexible with the return policies

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    The best thing about offline shopping is that you can try the stuff but online shopping doesn’t facilitate you with the same. So all you can do is to give the best return policies to ensure a better customer experience.

  4. Make your price tags clearly visible

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    Make sure that no changes are made on the last moment to surprise the customers. Your price tag should be visible clearly to build the trust with customers. And to overwhelm customers, you have to ensure the good offerings which must be evenly mentioned on your website. To rank your website on Search Engine Result Pages learn Digital marketing course for beginners.

  5. Facilitate customers with 24×7 service

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    For any Local e commerce Business, the most important thing is to provide the best customer support services. With the pricing and discounts, 24×7 customer services should also be taken care so that customer can get the solution for their queries instantly.

  6. Pay attention to the third party services

    Pay attention to the third party servicesImage Credit –

    Third party services like Amazon, FlipKart, Snapdeal, etc continue to dominate the e-commerce space thus, making online purchasing more normalized. So, don’t forget to introduce your products on these sites.

One more thing…

Local business owners spend much of their time on sites to focus on customer actions, as today’s customers often arrive at your website with a much more informed and updated thought process. In today’s cross-device, omnichannel market, it pays to think like an online store and use the above effective ecommerce marketing strategy to provide a lift to your local business. If you are too new to understand and implement the latest tactics, then look for the Top SEO Company in Delhi.

7 actionable tips that immediately improve your SEO ranking

7 actionable tips that immediately improve your SEO ranking

Whether you have a seasoned website or are planning to make a new one, implementing an effective SEO plan is the key. Although it sounds like a drag, but think: if people can’t find you via the search engine, then you don’t exist.

Google is like a big library which contains all the different websites. So if you want that people find you through Google search, SEO needs to be at the top of your priority list. The better you standardize and optimize your website, the better will Google read your shared content. To improve your SEO Strategies, you need to know the value of organic traffic and follow the latest trends. And if you have the newly designed website, ask for professional help. For that, hire the best SEO Services in Delhi.

There are some techniques which can immediately Improve SEO Rankings, let’s see what they offer:

  1. Loading speed

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    The most important factor in SEO ranking is speed. Make sure that your page loads in less than 4 seconds because every second will cost you. And if your website loading speed is slow due to a large number of HTTPS requests, and then you need to fix this issue as soon as possible.

  2. Quality content is essential!

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    You should know the fact that there is no replacement for quality content. It is responsible for the generic traffic which ultimately affects the SEO rankings. You need to create quality content so that people keep coming back to your website to read your comment.

  3. High-quality images

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    It is must to have high-quality image on your website and make sure that it does not take time to load as it can delay the whole website loading time.

  4. Add headings in your content

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    Your content needs to be well-organized and readable, and for that add tags and headings to your article so that it looks organized. It will work in your SEO ranking for sure! Lean the complete guide to effective SEO tactics for more insights.

  5. Blogs

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    If you think that a blog does no addition to SEO, then you are all wrong. Blogs can bring a huge amount of traffic to your website. All you need to come up with original content if you want to sell your product and promote your services.

  6. Credible outbound links

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    Credible outbound links can hugely affect your website. It gives the impression that you have actually researched the subject and also give a context to other blog posts related to your content.

  7. Optimizing for mobile

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    As we know that mobile is dominating the world of search engines, people tend to use smartphones more than desktop. So searching for the product and services on mobile is obvious and with AMPs, one can create instant pages and load within no time. That is why it is must to optimize your website for the mobile to make your website user-friendly.

In conclusion

If you adapt latest SEO strategies to new developments in AL and the evolution of Google’s algorithm, your SEO ranking will get better automatically. Also, follow the above tips to see the improvements. And if you want any professional help, look for the Top 10 SEO Company in Delhi.