Did you know that Google boosts responsive website? In 2015, Google announced a change to the algorithm and introduced ‘mobile-friendliness rank signal’ on SERPs. The changes are all due to the fact that 60% Google searches are from mobiles, or Smartphones and this is not going to change anytime soon.

Despite this trend, many websites are still not gaining responses. In this fast moving digital era, responsive design has become the standard component in the SEO task as Google Prefers Responsive Designs. SEO tasks are useless if the websites are not optimized for mobile phones, resulting in less traffic. If you are new to the business and want any professional help, look for the best SEO Services Delhi.

Keep reading to find out more about the term ‘Mobile Responsive’.

If you are not adapting this trend, you may invite many consequences such as:

  • Chances of getting negative reviews online
  • Loss of Web traffic
  • Loss of repetitive customers
  • Decrease in sales
  • Increase in bounce rates

The top benefits of Responsive web designs

The mobile traffic

The mobile trafficImage Credit – www.listbuildinglifestyleshow.com

As Google is promoting mobile friendliness, web responsive designs have become as important as the search engine optimization and quality content. And if you are failing to do so, you can invite your competitors to outrank you in their index.

No duplicate content

No duplicate contentImage Credit – www.hitechwork.com

Most of the companies are nowadays are operating their sites both in the desktop version and mobile version which results in duplicate content across the web. For Google bots, any difference in the URL is considered a unique site. Google’s crawlers do not understand the paper thin difference. Working from the mobile perspective gives you benefits to secure the content to a single URL. Thus, top SEO Services in Delhi continue to generate traffic due to the fact that they have made their websites mobile responsive.

Decrease in Bounce Rate

Decrease in Bounce RateImage Credit – landerapp.com

Bounce rate refers to the time period noting how quickly visitors leave your site. Google is attentive to the user’s action, that is, the entry and exit timing. A mobile responsive page allows the user to have a perfect view for any website. It provides clean, crisp surrounding for users to browse the website. Thus, responsive web designs to boost SEO.

Faster speed for loading page  

Faster speed for loading page  Image Credit – www.lifewire.com

Every company optimizes their website for fast loading as it is the most important element in ranking on the search engines. So make your website mobile responsive and increase your page speed to rank better.

Enhance user experience

Enhance user experienceImage Credit – news.cryptocoinstart.com

As user experience is the topmost priority, a website needs to be mobile-friendly and easy to access. And responsive web designs make any website mobile friendly as well as give surety of readability and navigation for the site. A website which is not optimized for Smartphones give users a difficult time with websites as they are purely for desktop use. Mobile responsive websites will definitely grow more traffic.


A mobile responsive page usually results in more concise and thoughtful designs. It supports any business to provide a better user experience. It has a positive impact on search engine visibility. Pre-planning the structure, links, and content, will get you expected outcomes.  All of this largely impacts SEO strategies and provides them aid to make things clearer.