You don’t get attracted naturally for any website. Instead, it is the effective content of the landing page that lets you explore the particular website and buy several products. Landing pages are the welcoming page of any website that is displayed whenever any visitor arrives or lands on that particular website. Moreover, landing pages play a crucial role in deciding the conversion rates. Having read that, you must be wondering why do some landing pages tend to fail. Well, today we would guide us about the beginner’s non-failing SEO Tips.

To start with you must adhere to the fact that there are two types of landing pages viz Click-Through Landing Pages and Lead Generation Pages.

1. Click Through Landing Pages:

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These pages have the goal of persuading the visitor to click through to another page. They are typically used in eCommerce funnels. There is generally the first webpage that visitors land at.

2. Lead Generation Pages:

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These pages are used to capture user data, such as their name and email address. The sole purpose of such a page is to collect information that will allow you to market to and connect with the prospect at a particular time.

Having known the basic differences between click through landing page and lead generating page. Here are several points that should be kept in mind while writing for landing pages:

Tools like Premise aid you in writing and publishing effective landing pages.

  • -Make promises to the readers regarding the product or the subject of your writing.
  • -Understand the purpose of your landing page.
  • -Understand the feature, benefit, selling point, term, and condition prior to writing in depth.
  • -Precisely select the key points and explain it to your readers without taking much of their time.
  • -Ask questions to yourself regarding “have you succeeded in explaining to your audience the right point?”
  • -Go through your content and ponder onto point as-Did you summarize the strongest points?
  • -Last and but not the least ask yourself if you have selected an impactful design for your content?

Apart from the writing tips, you must heed onto some crucial components as-

Use Of Testimonials

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Studies suggest that 92% of your leads prefer reading an online review prior to making a purchase. Which means “testimonials” must be included on your landing page. A landing page without testimonial is just as a muffin without its manufacturing and expiry dates.

High-Quality Images

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Humans love visual. There is no denying the fact that a well-designed page tends to drive our attention 94% of the time. High-quality images are the easiest way to keep people stuck on your landing page like glue.

Use the concept of BOGO (Buy One Get One)

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Applying the concept of BOGO (Buy One Get One) on your landing page tend to drive a lot of traffic on your webpage which results in increased checkouts. You can come up with offers as- Download the FREE PDF (or whitepaper) with xyz product etc..

To Sum Up…

Now that you are well-equipped with the landing page essentials. It is crucial to follow them and imply in designing an effective landing page for your website. However, you would love to explore the best SEO services in Delhi and get some help in improving the rank of your website. Hit in to explore everything about the best SEO Company in Delhi.