If you are eager to know the ways of boosting your business to another level, then this post might help in you doing so. If you are going to create digital marketing strategies that involve then you must know how SEO audit will add more ideas in the way you plan out the ways to promote your website.

Therefore, in this post, we will look at technical SEO audit in a much broader extent.

So, tie your seatbelts as this flight will take you the SEO sky that you have never imagined.

Defining Technical SEO Audits

Technical SEO audits in generalise terms defined as the regular monitoring of your website’s performance on various search engines. The reasons why you should do regular SEO audits are following:

  • To keep track of search engines algorithm

There is nothing wrong to say that the search engines such as Google or Bings are becoming smarter every day. Hence a regular SEO audit will allow you to monitor the changes in the algorithm.

  • To keep your content updated

Technical SEO audit is very helpful to know about the last time when you have updated your content. The updated website is the key to get all the benefits of digital marketing.

It is advised to perform such audits quarterly in a year so that your website gets fully updated with all vital elements to improve your digital marketing metrics.

SEO Audit

Image Credit – Neil Patel

Components of SEO audits

You must focus on the below-mentioned factors while performing technical SEO audit on your site:

  • Your web hosting and indexing
  • Your website content, keyword placement and metadata
  • Linking and referencing

Another essential component on which you must concentrate on is the mobile-friendliness of your website. As the smartphones now generate 60% of the searches on the Google, search engine crawlers first look for the mobile-friendly index, and if they found the mobile version of your website, then your rank get optimised in the SERPs. Today many digital marketing services in Delhi, India offers the clients to develop the mobile-friendly sites as our country’s population is more mobile-savvy than the other nations.

After getting acquitted by the fundamentals of technical SEO audits its time to know how to do these audits.

Start the audit with a crawl

It is the first yet most crucial step of audits. You can select one of the most advanced crawling tools such as Screaming Frog SEO Spider Tool, DeepCrawl, Ahrefs, and SEMrush. After setting up the crawl, you can manually search your site for the links which get crawled and check your estimated SEO score.

Avoid Mirror Links of your Website

It is not a good practice to create multiple links that redirect to the same website. Doing this means are ruining all your content marketing strategy as the crawler get confused between to rank higher or lower in the SERPs.

Perform On-page SEO correction

During the evaluation of crawling results, you must correct every drawback that you observe on your website such as pages with copied headers or titles, Meta descriptions, keyword placements and monitor disorganised content, and deleted pages.

Links Management

As I mentioned above keeping a check on your disorganised content and deleted will help web crawlers to improve your site ranking because the content you post or remove will create a directional and broken link. Tools like integrity and Xenu Sleuth are most commonly used by SEO services in Delhi to perform technical SEO audit of their clients’ website.

Monitor Site Timings

Here the term site timings comprise of load time, response time, and think time. However, the context of all these timings is different. Still, you need to track how much time your website is taking to handle the user request, and in how much time the web pages are displaying. All these things matter for the Google and also for your digital marketing campaign success. You can use GT-matrix or Google PageSpeed Insights to monitor your sites speed in both desktop and mobile.

Use Analytical Data

Here you need to evaluate that whether your analytics tools such as Google Analytics is giving the real-time data or not. You need to check the code implementation on your side and that you can do with the tracker code provided by Google Analytics. Monitor the bounce rate of your site, and domain authority of your website. The MozBar powered by Moz can give you an extra hand during your technical SEO audit.

Do Backlinks Audit

Backlinks are very helpful to give an extra boost to your off-site SEO and to make a small business website that works. Tools like Ahref are beneficial to perform regular backlinks audits of your site. If you are looking for competitive keywords, then SEMrush might help you with your work as this tool will give you insights about the keywords and backlinks that your competitors are using for better ranking in SERPs. Social media promotion is also an essential component of off-site and to get relevant backlinks so don’t forget to keep tracking it.


Technical SEO audits are significant for every business website. It will give the marketers profound insights about how the sites are working in the searching engines. The steps or tips mentioned above will hardly take one hour to perform a complete audit of your website. You can also hire a reliable digital marketing agency for any help or guidance.