German is one of the widely spoken languages of Europe. No wonder, people from every part of the world are after learning this language at the earliest. In India, knowing a foreign language is a boon. Not only do you get an extra mark for your resume, but also you get preferred over others in terms of job opportunities which demands to deal with international clients.

Needless to say, many German Language Institutes have come up in this regardand catering to a large group of individuals who are sorting to learn this foreign language.

Germany is the third largest economyin the world and also the number one exporter from time immemorial.Thus, business opportunities are huge if you have the command over the language of the place you are going to deal with. Many top class companies like BMW, Siemens, Lufthansa, SAP, BOSCH, etc are German. No doubt they have covered all over India for a long time. In the backdrop of this, knowing German is hence proved essential. Thus, it will help you to work in a more productive manner serving as a business connector between your company here and the main company in Germany.

The institutes in Delhi are very renowned and are helping many professionals to learn German and as a result of which their global career is enhanced. The institutes are well equipped with faculties who have profound knowledge in this foreign language. Apart from those above-mentioned benefits, the hospitality and tourism industry is also boosted due to this. So, whenever a German is in town, a German-speaking tour guide is engaged with them so as to ensure the perfect hospitality.

Lastly, but not least, Germans have greatly contributed to worldwide research as well. They also have various scholarships and research programs for the international students. So, if you already know German, then you are likely to cope up with the newplace almost immediately.

1. Study Feeds



Address: G 59, Marina Arcade, Middle Circle, Connaught Place, New Delhi -01

Toll Free: 1800-27-000-77

Among many German Language Institutes, in Delhi, Study Feeds is one such institute. It works to provide the training for the German language to the professionals as well as many job aspirants.Study has the best faculty who are diligent as well as passionate about the work.

The foundation of Study Feeds is strong enough to help you get selected in the top-notch German University; provided you have the required qualities and skills within you. The four pillars of Study Feeds which make the institute the best are:

Counseling of the students:

Study Feeds conducts counseling of each of their students in a way that they can decide the best for them. They have counseled over 10,000 students till date and have sent over 2000+ students to Germany.

Applying in the best University:

They work as a guide and apply in the best universities in Germany according to your specialization. They even help you to get admission smoothly and hassle free.

Helps in Getting the Visa:

Study Feeds has a strong network in Germany that not only helps you get your Visa easily but also make arrangements for your stay in Germany.

Teaching the German Language:

Learning the German language is easy with Study Feeds as they make the whole process easy for you and is one of the best institutes to learn German in Delhi. They maintain the international standards.

The team of Study Feeds is also a firm believer of the motto that says,‘work is worship’. Hence, they primarily focus on the productivity of an individual as well as, as a team.

Read Also :  Best German Language Institute in Delhi

2. Goethe Institute

Goethe Institute logo

The Goethe Institute is also one of the leading German culture institutes worldwide. They not only promote the German language, but also its rich cultural heritage. They promote and present a picturesque of Germany through information about their cultural, political and social lives.

The best thing about this institute is that they are very organized. They have set some internationally recognized standards for teaching German to the aspirants. They organize courses at first, after which they develop the study materials for teaching German, and then they educate teachers. Thereafter, they go on to impart the knowledge to the other aspirants who take up the learning programs.

They organize various educational and cultural programs too; this encourages the learners and enhances the cultural participation of many. They also encourage the participants by taking them to several cultural events and festivals in the field of film, dance,and music, literature, exhibition,and translation.

The Goethe Institute has many other subdivisions too, namely, Goethe centers, cultural societies, language learning centers,and examination centers. These institutes have been working inclose collaboration with each other and catering to the masses for more than six decades now.

3. The German Language School

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It is one of the best German Language Institute in Delhi. They offer German language learning course in a vivid and diverse manner. You can choose your class according to your convenience. There are batches in the weekdays as well as weekends. The batches are also divided according to the level of merit of the candidates taking part in the language learning process.

The centers are present in other parts of the country as well, such as in Dwarka, Gurgaon and VasantKunj. The batches are classified with respect to levels and the weekdays and weekend categories in each of the locations too. The fees are also charged accordingly.

They have defined six levels of learning German. They are as mentioned below:

  • A1: Breakthrough or beginner
  • A2: Waystage or elementary
  • B1: Threshold or intermediate
  • B2: Vantage or upper intermediate
  • C1: Effective operational proficiency or advanced
  • C2: Mastery or proficiency

This is by far the best approach by any institute in teaching German.They provide study materials too for easy and comprehensive learning. The classes accommodate only 12 students per batch in every location. As a result, you get a very friendly and comfortable environment for learning. Care is even distributed in this type of learning class.

Regular tests are taken so as to ensure that the candidates are learning well and keep a track on whether they are improving or not. Another noteworthy feature of this institute is that they like to instruct the participants in German mainly, thus it expedites the learning process further.

4. GLC Patna

GLC logo

The most noteworthy feature of this institute is that they cater to the language learning program to every age group, starting at 9years old.And they cater to all kinds of needs of you; whether it is for your workplace, or for studying at a German University, or simply because you want to learn a new language, etc.

There are professionally trained teachers. Who is even more fun to work with and they are so trained that will make you look through the eyes of a German by sitting in your classroom. The course materials are updated with the modern day techniques, and also the course material is supplemented with the latest teaching methodologies.

Their prime motto is to provide you the best of the service they have promised and charged you. The infrastructure is great and serves as a great learning center. They even have a systematic rule book which is followed in order to teach the students. The level is divided according to the level ofyour merit; whether you are in the beginner or the intermediate level.

5. German Language Circle

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The German Language Circle is home to a group of experienced and qualified teachers in the field of German. Spoken by a wide range of people, this language has been driving business with foreign lands for many years already.

They are also in a close relationship with other well-renowned centers such as the Goethe center. They say that they are a strong believer in a combination of tradition and modernity. As a result, it drives them to create healthy and effectual educative environment. The teachers there do not regard themselves as only teachers, but also as effective mediums of cultural values and customs of Germany.

Merely teaching the language is not their sole objective; alongside they also believe in imparting such knowledge so as to improve the critical thinking amongst the learners. This keeps the learner enticed and hence, the learning process is speeded up.

Overall, the institute provides a friendly, scientific, creative and innovative environment for the aspirants to learn the language in an easy manner.


German is one of the highly-demanded foreign languages in India. Not just business, but also the aspirants moving on to German for their higher studies and research works, are great factors, that call for learning h language at a tender age itself, or even as a professional.

Study Feeds is one of the best and the most sought-after German Language Institute. They offer the best courses and their teaching style is impeccable. The study materials and the presence of some for the renowned and experienced faculties, Study Feeds make for the best institute to learn German.